Why Nigeria has become ungovernable, by Anglican Primate


The Primate, Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Most Revd Henry C. Ndukuba, yesterday, said that Nigeria has become ungovernable because its political leaders have compromised their responsibilities for selfish personal interests.

He stated that for things to change for the better, Nigerians must join hands to elect leaders that would be mindful of their sufferings; govern with the fear of God, and not self-seeking. Speaking in Enugu, shortly after dedicating facilities at the Good Shepherd Specialist Hospital, built by Enugu Diocese of the church, he said that 2023 is a great year for the country, as it affords Nigerians an opportunity to address several challenges.

“The way things have gone has not been for the good of the citizens of this nation. Those in authority may have tried their best, but in some cases they lacked the political will to take the stand that they should have taken to make things work and where there is no justice, there can never be peace. Where some sections are oppressed, I believe that the country cannot be healthy and that is what we have suffered so far.”

Turning to Nigerians, Ndukuba said: “If you do not like the way things have gone and you know that things can be better, this is the time to get involved. We want to urge every citizen to collect his or her PVC, and do not sell your PVC.

On February 25, go out and vote for leaders that will be mindful of our sufferings; vote for credible people that will govern us; vote for those who are not out there for what they will get.

“Vote for those who will be touched by the plight of Nigerians and we believe God that Nigeria will change and get better. We will continue to pray but prayer is not enough. We must take action.”

He urged INEC to ensure that nothing was done to undermine the process, asking politicians to campaign on issues and what they can offer to the people.

He commended the Diocese of Enugu for the state-of-the-art equipment at the Good Shepherd Hospital.

“If our healthcare officers are performing well in other parts of the world, I think that given the resources and equipment, they can do better. So, we have trust in God that as the church partners with the government and other organisations, we can do the best for our citizens,” he stated.


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