‘Why Nigeria should take chemical safety, handling seriously’

Wilford Jwalshik

The Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria (ICCON) said Nigeria should take, seriously, growing global concerns about the safe handling, storage and transportation of chemicals, considering their devastating effects. 
The institute, citing the recent explosion in Ibadan, Oyo State, said the incident is an eye opener that the government and citizens need to be well informed on issues regarding chemical safety and security. 
The Registrar and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ICCON, Chemist Wilford Jwalshik, who spoke at a one-day capacity building and empowerment on the use of chemical substances for vulnerable women and youths, in Port Harcourt, said the government should take responsibility of addressing concerns of chemical handling head-on, ensuring utmost safety for human beings and the environment.

Jwalshik, who was represented by Chemist Gonap James, noted that citizens need to be informed on issues regarding chemical safety and security, adding that sensitisation programmes aimed at providing accurate and reliable information to enlighten citizens in their approach and usage of chemicals will help reduce the effect of a surge of chemical abuse and misuse.   
