Why non-payment of school fees may affect your child

[FILES] Pupils in the classroom

One major determinant to a smooth academic session for your child includes the payment of school fees. Every private owned school survive or depend on the tuition and other fees paid by parents to see their child through their academic excellence.

While payment of fees ensures a seamless academic year for your child, sometimes parents are held back from fulfilling this obligation due to other pressing needs, eventuality or life occurrences.

In the beginning of every academic year or new term, ‘Happy School fees week’, puts a lot of parents on their toes to live up to their responsibilities.

When a child’s fees are not paid, especially as it relates to the laws guiding the school, they are bound to distort academic activities of the child, by calling out the name of your child as a constant reminder or barring the child from making entrance into the classroom.

This has its psychological effect on the child who is constantly harassed for reasons beyond his or her control. The child’s mind then becomes divided from school activities and if he is suspended from participating in anything related to school work, that child misses that period which may never come back. No teacher goes back to teach a child’s whose learning process was affected by non-payment of fees.

To therefore avoid this strain, which mostly affects the child on the long run, it is important for parents to ensure that they consciously set out a budget that covers their child’s education fees. You can choose to open an account in your child’s name or a dedicated account that helps you pay in little by little either as a salary earner or businessman.

A parent should also know his financial capabilities, which should ultimately determine the kind of school he chooses to his or her child in. It is safer and sane to live within your means and helps you stay away from constantly being a creditor.

However, there could be eventualities that occur and money set aside for school fees are used to attend to; they can be either life-threatening situations. In this case, it is wise for the parent to approach the school and discuss a new mode of payment or ask for some form leniency.

When parents choose to go mute or wait till their children are sent or in extreme cases flogged out of school for non-payment of fees, it tell how much the parents do not care about the psychological state of their children. Some parents will also wait till their children are denied entry for examinations before making an effort to reconcile their finances with the school.

A child’s mental state should be paramount for any parent. If your child’s school do not allow for such leniency it is strongly advised that you make do with school that’s suit your budget. The quality of school you choose to put your child in should not be traded with putting your child through psychological stress that further affects their academic excellence.

Most importantly, both parents and schools are working in the interest of school children, hence there should be a meeting point that do not put the child in so much discomfort and affect the primary purpose – education.


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