Why Norway supports education, healthcare in Gombe, by envoy

First Secretary of the Norwegian Embassy in Nigeria, Mr. Trygve Aurdal-Vold, has said that Norway regards healthcare and education as important and will do everything to propagate them.

He stated this, yesterday, when he led a delegation to Gombe State to inspect projects sponsored by his country.

According to him, the team was in the state to inspect the projects started in 2018 to prevent child marriage, maternal mortality, child abuse, gender-based violence and encourage family planning, among others.

He commended the state government and civil society organisations for being above board despite the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak and other challenges.

Gombe State Deputy Governor, Manassah Jatau, on behalf of Governor Muhammad Yahaya, assured the delegation of the state’s continued collaboration.

He added: “To achieve our aim of developing the state, in line with system theory of development, we have incorporated all stakeholders, the traditional and religious leaders as well as civil society organisations. We have deliberately made health our priority, knowing how important health is,” he said.

In his remarks, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) representative, Dr. Audu Alayade, highlighted the Fund’s major activities.

Earlier, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Budget, Planning and Development Partner Coordination Office, Dr. Ishiyaku Mohammed, had noted that the delegation was in the state to inspect projects and meet with stakeholders.


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