‘Why oil production is delayed in Nasarawa amid huge deposit’

crude oil production

Manager, Asset Integrity, NNPC-ATAMS Producing, Dr Musa Adamu, has said the process of drilling oil in Nasarawa State is ongoing and will soon reach the reservoir, due to some challenges.
In an interview with journalists in Obi, Obi Local Council, yesterday, Musa said the challenges were delayed drilling despite huge deposits in the state. The Chairman of Obi Oil and Gas Exploration Committee explained that drilling was ongoing at the Ebenyi 1 site by ENSA, a branch of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Limited (NNPCL) in Obi.
The petroleum expert with 30 years of field experience revealed that the depth of oil deposit had yet to be reached; though drilling was approaching a large oil reservoir.
“When we get to the reservoir, we will know the quantity and lifespan of the deposits,” he added.  The Obi oil drilling, which was commissioned by former President Muhammadu Buhari on March 24, 2023, has yet to produce oil, one year after, but drilling is ongoing when The Guardian visited the site.
The petroleum engineer and manager with the NNPCL in Rivers State assured that oil production would soon start. Musa, however, noted that the delay in production was caused by physical challenges in the drilling process.
He identified the breakdown of drilling equipment and the long process of fixing the equipment as responsible for the delay in production, which according to him, is normal.
“The equipment we are using are foreign and because of the present stage of drilling, equipment breakdown is anticipated. Replacement of those equipment takes time because they are imported, and you know the process of importing heavy equipment. That is the reason for the delay, but we are getting closer to the reservoir.
“We cannot tell you exactly when the drilling will end because of the foreseeable challenges. By God’s grace, we will soon reach the level where we will have the first oil,” he said.
He, however, explained that the result of previous exploration revealed four major oil deposit sites in Asakio, Agwatashi, Keana and the present site where drilling is taking place in Obi.


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