Why we sponsor varsity graduates, by UK govt

Johnny Baxter

United Kingdom Deputy High Commissioner to Nigeria, Johnny Baxter, and Country Director for the British Council, Lucy Pearson, have offered insights into the yearly postgraduate scholarship by the British government, noting that the move is to promote Nigeria’s greatness.
Speaking at an event tagged, ‘Study UK Alumni Awards Nigeria 2023-2024’, to celebrate 12 finalists in Lagos, Baxter said the scheme is to equip beneficiaries with skills that could help in uplifting their countries.
“We’ll keep making the people get new experiences that would help Nigeria, and help in bringing new ideas,” he said. The envoy clarified that the award is aimed at rewarding those who studied abroad on scholarships and doing exploits after their return from the UK.
“It is not necessarily about their academic performance while away, it is about what they have done since they came back to Nigeria. So, we are recognising the people who have done particularly special things, he added.”
Pearson, on her part, said the event was to celebrate alumni and students, who studied in the UK through various scholarships and billed to return and put into practice the experiences they learnt to make a difference in the society, communities and for the greater good of Nigeria.
Asked about the motive of the intervention, the British Council chief said they want the students, who have gained experiences and qualifications in education in the UK to replicate their knowledge in line with global practices to move the economy and country forward through viable endeavours. 
Highlight of the occasion was presentation of awards and three thousand British Pound professional grant each to winners in the four categories ­– Business & Innovation; Culture & Creativity; Science & Sustainability; and Social Action to Chidumaga Unachukwu, Faith Agboola, Jennifer Uchendu and Cassandra Akinde, respectively.
