Why you need to read my new book, says U.S. based nurse, Fatai Ibrahim

Fatai Ibrahim, a Nigeria born, United States of America-based Nurse has close to two decades of experience in the profession. He has distilled some of these experiences in his forthcoming book, which is slated for release on the March 26, 2024 on Amazon and Rovinheights (a Nigeria-based bookshop). The book is titled ‘Scrubs and Needles, Beyond Borders’.

The book detailed his transition from a Nigerian nurse to a USA nurse. While there has been little talk about moves like this, Fatai brings to the fore things to expect, process and others. The book is the first to document such a journey. Also, it serves as a guide for anyone who might be attempting to take similar steps in future.

The book unlocks the secrets to successful healthcare adaptation for immigrant nurses as the author shares how he was able to navigate the challenges and excel in his nursing career. The book fictionalised Fatai’s experience.

Fatai in this interview spoke about what inspired him to write the book, the timeline of the writing, the challenges encountered and many more.

With your busy schedule as a nurse, how were you able to find the time to work on your book ‘Scrubs and Needles, Beyond Borders’?

Yes, like you asked as a nurse working in the emergency department, it’s always a busy schedule but what I did was that I simply used my free days to compile these stories even though I’m still simultaneously running my masters in Nursing informatics. I have been on this book since 2021.

What’s the inspiration behind this book?

The inspiration was born out of two things. First, I wanted to tell my story as a male Nurse because in the society where I started my practice, majority find it amusing to see a male practicing Nursing as a profession. They see it as a lower tier profession designed for females, you know it’s all a matter of perception from the history of Nursing as a profession itself.

A lot of Nigerians are somewhat ignorant about the evolutionary trends that have happened in the nursing profession till date, right now the profession is science and evidence based.

Some recent advancements in the nursing profession included the increasing use of technology in healthcare, such as telemedicine and electronic health records, as well as the emphasis on evidence-based practice and patient-centered care. Additionally, there has been a focus on expanding the role of nurses in healthcare delivery, including advanced practice nurses taking on more responsibilities traditionally held by physicians. For the most current advancements, it would be best to consult more recent sources or journals in the field.

So I spoke about a topic in my new book called “Career Symbolism”

The second point about what inspired me to write this book is the fact that I have always wanted to advance my career at some point. I practiced for 11 years in Nigeria before I travelled to the United States, prior to this I tried asking questions from people that had travelled earlier about the process and also how adaptation looks like. No one has really given a definite answer, for the most part they will dance around the questions. In my book I spoke a lot about what it takes to go through the processes of adaptation. A bursted all the unwritten rules and laws.

You once worked in Nigeria, now you work in the U.S., what are the differences you noticed?

There is a huge shift in the use of medical technology in the healthcare system, also Nursing practices in Nigeria often face challenges such as limited access to resources, inadequate infrastructure, lower salaries, and higher patient-to-nurse ratios. In contrast, the United States typically have better-equipped healthcare facilities, higher nurse-to-patient ratios, more advanced technology, greater access to continuing education, and higher levels of specialization among nurses. Additionally, in the United States , nurses often have more autonomy in decision-making and are involved in a wider range of healthcare services compared to those in Nigeria.

Can you share with us the timeline of this book creation?

I started writing this book In April 2021 even though I conceived the idea about 10 years ago while I was still in Nigeria. I finally finished it in January 2024.

Who is Fatai Ibrahim?

Fatai Ibrahim was born almost four decades ago in Ilesa, Osun state. His parents are indigenes of Ipele/Owo in Ondo State. A graduate of Nursing Science, I started working as a Nurse at OAUTHC in 2009. I resigned my appointment in 2021 and moved to New York in March 2021. I’m a business owner and I love engaging in philanthropic activities. I am an ardent advocate of good governance. I love football, table tennis and writing books.

How did your love for Nursing begin?

My love for Nursing started back at the age of eight years when I started overseeing my father’s patent medicine business. I was exposed to the usefulness of medications from a young age and I kept reading the leaflets attached to each packet of medicines. After my high school my dad encouraged to pursue Nursing and I never regretted the decision till today

A book like this must have been tasking. What were the challenges you encountered in the course of working on it?

My major challenge was the process of fictionalisation of my personal story while still maintaining the originality of the true life events.

After this book, what next for Fatai Ibrahim?

What next, honestly multiple ideas are roaming in my head at the moment, I think I will like to concentrate more on building my travel/staffing agency business. I hope to write another book on “tackling inferiority complex in Internationally trained nurses who find themselves in the advanced world”.

With the current lack of reading culture in Nigeria, why do you think I need to read this book?

Everyone need to read this book because it has some unspoken trends in the society both Nigeria and overseas. For instance, I have not seen so many authors discussing career symbolism in books. I feel a lot of young folks has been wrongly advised about their chosen career due to ignorant public perception about certain professions. There multiple unique topics that I spoke about that can also help professionals who will be migrating to the United States for greener pasture in future.


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