‘Why youths must set leadership agenda’

Youths must design messages that capture their expectations, mobilise themselves psychologically and translate their aspirations into a political action that can deliver credible leadership in the country.
The Director of Research and Development at the African Development Studies Centre (ADSC), Abidemi Adeyemi, who stated this in Abuja, argued that leadership is different from governance and governance is different from power.
According to him, despite the differences, democracy is usually the culmination of the three factors, adding that these three factors must work together in ideological, moral, intellectual and institutional capacity for Nigeria to move forward.

He added: “For too long, the youths have focused on power and governance, not leadership, if the youths can successfully assert leadership, power and governance will fall on their laps like ripe apples. Again, 2023 is coming and everyone seems to be focused on who becomes the next president, which party comes to power and the eventuality of the election. Nigeria does not just need a new party or president; this country needs a different and fresh philosophy of leadership! The problems of Nigeria are deep-seated, we have a socio-economic and cultural crisis.”
Adeyemi further submitted that until youths began to think and breathe solutions in the context of social, philosophy, economic and institutional representation, Nigeria is not theirs for the taking.
He further held that though the #ENDSars movement suggests that the Nigerian youths have awoken, they must prove that they can build a leadership agenda for the country.
Adeyemi maintained that the critical dilemma of the #ENDSars movement is that it lacked a political strategy.
He explained: “Some might say the #ENDSars is not a political movement but the fact remains that most of the problems confronting Nigeria are political especially at the governance and institutional front. The best way to solve a political problem is to have a political strategy. The youths must also get this clearly; you don’t need or have to be a politician to lead your country, Martin Luther King Jnr, Mohandas K Gandhi, Steve Biko, Malcolm X and others were no politicians but they led not just their country but the world. Politics and governance can never be substituted for leadership. Beyond politics and governance, leadership is a state of mind and that is what makes it different.”


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