Will other countries adapt similar gambling laws to Nigeria?

Nigeria is a country that has gambling laws that legalise certain aspects of the industry, but not others. What makes them successful is the fact that they are laid out and are pretty simple for everyone to follow. This is in comparison to some other countries, India being a good example, where laws are not as clear, and when you look at them, they certainly feel out of date.

Could Nigeria be the best example to follow for a country looking to update their laws and introduce some gambling, but keep other aspects of the industry away? Players can play online casino in India right now, even though the laws don’t specifically say they can, because at the same time, the laws don’t make it illegal either.

This is how complex some countries have it, whereas Nigeria doesn’t, and whether you agree or not with the current gambling laws, at least they have clarity and include what you can and can’t do across all types of gambling.

What do Current Nigerian Gambling Laws Allow?
Current laws have everything laid out for players, which is great to see. Yes, you may see something that you would prefer to do that you can’t, but ultimately, the laws are clear.

The National Lottery Regulatory Commission regulates all gambling in Nigeria. There are two categories, things which are legal and things which are illegal.

Legally, you can play the lottery, play inside land-based casinos and also place sports bets. However, roulette, dice games and non-skilled card games are illegal. Slot machine gambling is allowed, however, it must only be provided by a licensed operator.

Online gambling follows the same limits, so everything which you can do, is also available online and if it is illegal in a land-based casino then it is also illegal online.

A key part of the online service is that there are no objections to where people place their bets in terms of local and international foreign bookmakers and casinos. This means bigger companies can target the country, and if players want to play with them, they can as long as they hold a license for Nigeria.

Why May Other Countries Follow These Laws?

