Winning styles for 2021

The start of a new year is always the perfect time to make resolutions and reassessing your style is also one area in your life that is worth reevaluating. Considering the fact you have to deal with your wardrobe everyday, it makes sense to ensure that it’s working for you as best as possible to guarantee that you look and feel great everyday. To help you get started here are a few fashion new year’s resolutions that are definitely worth adopting.

Invest in quality pieces you can afford
Think about the items that are constantly on rotation in your wardrobe, are they well made and built to last? If you say no, then it’s time to make a conscious effort to invest a little more in the pieces you wear often to ensure longevity. This means things like a sharp outfit, a flattering pair of go-to jeans and a LBD. These are the building blocks of a functional wardrobe and once you’ve found pieces that work and that you love, you need to ensure they will be around for a long time.

Have a fail-safe outfit combination
For those times when a fashion crisis hits it’s important to have at least one outfit combination to turn to that you know is guaranteed to work no matter what. This will obviously differ according to your individual style. A structured dress and classic flats may work for one person whilst a pair of jeans, tee and a blazer may work for someone else. The key is pinpointing what makes you look good every single time you wear it, then have it at the back of your mind as a back up for those times when you feel uninspired.

Keep your wardrobe organised
It really is easier to get dressed when you can see everything in you closet. Being able to assess what you own at a glance can often make pulling together a look a faster process as you avoid wasting time trying to find one top or skirt. To avoid having to do epic clean ups, make a point of putting things away as soon as possible so that your wardrobe stays neat all the time.

Embrace outfit planning
It does require a bit more time and effort but making a point of organising your outfits ahead of time can help you avoid throwing everything you own when you’re looking for something. If you really want to be ultra organised, invest in a rack that you can hang the week’s ensembles on, ironed and ready to go. There’s actually something quite satisfying about seeing your clothes nicely lined up within easy reach.

Take at least one fashion risk a month
It’s great to have a clear idea of your style but sometimes you can stumble upon new looks simply by making a conscious effort to think outside the box. Eschew your favourite pieces one day a month and pull out pieces that you rarely wear and see how you can make them work. This could also mean wearing a vibrant shade you wouldn’t usually turn to or accessories that you usually only wear with a specific look.

Shop more consciously 
This takes willpower but conscious shopping ensures that everything you own is something that you love and will work back with what’s already sitting in your closet. By making this your shopping mantra, it also saves you wasting your money on pieces you’ll only wear once and instead allow you to direct funds to purchasing quality and timeless items that will get constant use.


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