With Afuru M Gi N’anya, Made In Heaven takes Gospel Music to next level

Kasope Sote, Olumide Oyibokure, and Olusayo Oloruntuyi

Made In Heaven, an ingenuity laden gospel music group made up of two young men and a lady – Kasope Sote, Olumide Oyibokure, and Olusayo Oloruntuyi – have continued their winning ways, fortified by their unwavering faith in the supremacy and reliability on the sovereign God.

Running with the vision to transform lives via the offering of heart felt worship and high praise to the Lord, they have returned with their latest single titled Afuru m gi n’anya.

The song, which is a follow up to their debut single Jeje, is a fine blend of soft rock and R’n’B. Literally translated from Igbo language, the song title means ‘I love you’ and the deployment of various ethnic languages in the country – Efik, Yoruba, Igbo, alongside English — to reach the multitudinous audience, conveying an expression of love and grateful hearts from believers to the awesome God is enthralling.

Speaking about the song, Olumide Oyibokure, whose stage name is Lumynors O’ven said: “Afuru m gi nánya was written with the intention of putting the heart of the listener in a place of true worship; it enables worshippers to exalt God with a grateful heart.

“There’s a scripture that says: ‘we love him because he first loved us, and we know he has shown his great love towards each and every one of us’. It is with this heart of gratitude for God’s love, protection, mercy, kindness, grace and more that we pour out our hearts to say that we love him. We hope the song inspires everybody who listens to it, to acknowledge and appreciate God’s love in their lives, no matter what they are passing through.”

Though the group faced various challenges in their bid to produce the single; from working on the song (on a shoestring budget) over seven times to hit the satisfaction mark (at the studio of their ever supportive producer, Ralph), to last minute changes of venue (for the video), cloudy unstable weather, which threatened to rain cats and dogs, cancellation by choreographers, acted as clogs in the wheel of progress.

However, their resilience, unity of faith and purpose saw them beating the odds and emerging triumphantly with this beautiful reflection song.
The trio credited their early interest in music to their parents who consistently bombarded them with songs from various artistes, genres, performed with them, and empowered them with the relevant musical skills.

Formed in August 2015 when they spontaneously sang to the strumming of the guitar by Kasope, the group intends to record more soul inspiring and spirit uplifting singles, shoot more videos and launch a full album this year. Interestingly, the trio attended the University of Ibadan.

Afuru m gi n’anya, as well as previous solo songs by Made In Heaven, can be downloaded from all major music sites. The Henry Igwe directed music video has been receiving rave reviews.


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