Woody potted plant basket

plant basket

While we brace up for the 2024 rainy season with weather forecast that draws towards a long-term downpour expectation beyond its regular season duration, it is imperative to start putting up waterlogging measures beyond the environmental basics, but also with our outdoor potted plants.

Outdoor potted plants usually suffer firsthand casualties when the downpour hits hard and long, and unfortunately the traditional pots aren’t quick to leak out excess rainwater hereby causing waterlogged soil which suffocates plant roots and produces plant-damaging toxins.

This is why a woody pot plant basket is the best bet during the rainy season as it does not allow water to be retained in the plant.

How It works:
Of course, the plant is still potted in its traditional pot with the punctured drainage holes underneath the pot, all you need to do is get a furniture designer to construct a water resistance woody basket design with firm wood legs that not only freely let out rainwater from the traditional pot to the basket, but also add aesthetics to plant outlook and overall exterior space.

With this, however heavy the downpour gets, or extends its duration, your plant soil won’t be saturated.
