YABATECH, DSS collaborate on security


As part of efforts to protect the staff and students of Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH), the school management has met with the Department of State Services (DSS) on how to secure the college.

The Rector, Dr Ibraheem Abdul, during a courtesy visit to the new state director, sought the cooperation of the service in securing the institution following security challenges confronting the college, which has defied its existing security apparatus.

He listed such challenges as scamming and duping of parents on school fees, cultism and impersonation of authorities, among others.

The rector assured of his administration’s resolve to run a smooth five-year uninterrupted academic calendar, where students have the assurance of a date of graduation in line with best global practices.

He lamented moves by some external forces to disrupt the peace on campus, saying this informed the decision to collaborate with the security service.

Abdul noted that with the support and expertise of the DSS, the college would be able to actualise its mandate.

The new director, Mr Adedapo Amao, pledged their support in securing the students and members of staff.

He advised the management to identify the fraudulent elements and share proactive intelligence information with the security service.


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