Yadudu Cautions Media Over Inciting Publications

Yadudu-pix-17-1-15ANGERED by the recent political violence raging in some parts of the country ahead of the February election, a Professor of constitutional law and former Senior Special Advisor on Legal Matters to the late Head of State, General Sani Abacha, Prof. Auwalu Hamisu Yadudu, has called on the media organisations to be very cautious of what they publish as to prevent spillover of violence as election is fast approaching.

  In a telephone interview with The Guardian Yadudu insisted that what is happening in some sections of the country would not do any good to politicians and non-politicians alike. 

“We the community should do everything possible to address the situation squarely. While the media people have very significant role to play in quenching the crisis, it is very unfortunate that some media organizations are not helping matters,” he  said.

  He blamed some media houses for  encouraging ugly incidents through inciting publications, which he described as very regrettable.

  What has been happening in recent period of electioneering campaign, according to Yadudu, if left unchecked could persist even beyond election period. “So, we must put a stop to it,” he advised.

  Yadudu urged security agencies and the community to work together in finding lasting solutions to the political violence visiting the nation.

