Yar’Adua’s Death

Sir: As the nation mourns the premature exit of our servant leader Ð the late Alhaji Umar Musa Yar’Adua, it is imperative for me to draw out my personal grief at this loss.

Then in 1976, I was just a 10-day old lad when Gen. Obasanjo’s predecessor, the then Head of State Ð Gen. Murtala Muhammed was assassinated in an abortive coup d’etat.

Now on the May 5, 2010, while still thanking the Almighty God (who can do all things Ð elections inclusive!) for the gift of a lass the previous day on May 4 and hopefully exploring the joy of a debut fatherhood, the breaking news on my TV screen disrupted my thought as Chief Obasanjo’s successor Ð Alhaji Umar Musa Yar’Adua (GCON) finally succumbed to the wicked manipulations of the evil cabal that held him on medical hostage as earlier pointed out to the nation by the Information and Communications Minister, Prof Dora Akunyili.

While commiserating with Hajia Yar’Adua in particular on the loss of a dear son, and the nation in general on the unpleasant loss of an honest leader, it is imperative to draw a lesson that “Health is Wealth”, and this age-long truism should never be compromised.



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