Yemen rebels free 3 Americans, 2 Saudis, 1 Briton: officials

Yemen1Shiite rebels in Yemen released three Americans, two Saudis and a Briton on Sunday after detaining them for around six months, a rebel official and a security source said.

The six were expected to leave the country on board an Omani plane carrying Huthi rebel officials to Muscat for talks with the UN envoy to Yemen, the sources said.

Huthi officials provided no information on the identities of the freed foreigners or why they were being held.

Speaking to reporters at Sanaa airport, Huthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam did not confirm the release of the foreigners but said: “We hope and it is possible that they will be handed over today.”

An American journalist believed to have been held by the rebels was handed over to Oman in early June along with a Singaporean. US Journalist Casey Coombs had been freelancing in Yemen since 2012.

Washington has provided intelligence and logistical support for the Saudi-led air campaign that was launched in March against the rebels, but has called for a political solution to the conflict.

