Young Woman’s Guide in print

Yetunde-Odugbesan-book-1YOUNG Woman’s Guide, an inspiring book by Yetunde A. Odugbesan-Omede, has just been published. She shares her personal stories and advice on how young women can put their best foot forward. It is a self-help book that contains how-to advice, tips and tools for young women to live a purposeful and well-rounded life. It features timeless topics on leadership, professional, personal and emotional development. It calls and challenges young women to shine brightly and lead powerfully. 

  Odugbesan-Omede, Founder of Young Woman’s Guide, Inc., an organization that provides leadership development for young women from all backgrounds says, “I want to ensure that young women are prepared and groomed to lead. I believe that every girl has the chance to achieve success and become their self. However that “chance” becomes higher and more concrete if their skills and talents are nurtured at a younger age”.

  As a lecturer of Political Science where she teaches Comparative Politics, Women and Comparative Political Development and Global Issues at Adelphi University and Rutgers University, U.S., she understands the various challenges that many young women face around the world. However, this book serves as an inspirational roadmap for young women on how to put their best self forward despite the various obstacles they may encounter on their journey of womanhood, she informs.

  She, however, reveals, “Young Woman’s Guide is filled with empowering practical messages that promote good habits, cultivate positive attitudes and build self-confidence; it will serve as a guiding light for young women as they journey through womanhood”.

  The inspiration behind this book is from my passion to see young women blossom and assume leadership positions, she says.

  The book can be purchased online and is also available for online download through book reader devices. 

