Yours truly valentine

… Show Up For Each Other In Statement Making Style

Valentine’s Day outfits have little or nothing to do with what you chose to wear, but how you wear it and who you’re wearing it for. Love is definitely in the air, come Wednesday, February the 14th 2024 Valentine’s Day, and considering how love which is the true source of human existence is the thematic preoccupation of this day; people around the world usually set out to dress up in thematic love colour styles to celebrate this day with loved ones.

However, while the thematic colour red, white and even pink set the dress code standard in the past and still does for some, the dynamism of fashion has overturned these customary colours to any shade(s) that makes the day count for individuals and their loved ones.

This could either be your favourite colour(s) or those of your loved ones. So if you do not like red, white or pink, you don’t necessarily have to wear dresses in these shades – You only have to wear what makes you feel attractive to your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend etc on Valentine’s Day.
This is because fashion is about attractiveness and Valentine’s Day is basically celebrating that person or people in your life that you are physically, emotionally and passionately attracted to.

What to wear on Valentine’s Day
Having established the fact that the styling shades of Valentine’s Day is beyond customary colours and more about what makes you and your partner irresistibly attractive to each other on all levels, you can co-decide what to wear or ask for your designer’s opinion and creativity, and show up for each other in statement making style!


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