Youths urged to explore opportunities for growth

Young leaders and entrepreneurs in Africa have been urged to focus and explore available opportunities to achieve greatness and success.

This was at The Transformation Conference 6.0 themed Explore, organised by The Golden Vessels Network Initiative, in Port Harcourt.

According to a statement signed by the convener, the theme was selected to help young leaders and entrepreneurs understand that their innate potential is sufficient to proffer solutions needed in society.

Convener, The Transformation Conference, Carlos Nwabueze, said that there are four vital principles of transformation that guarantee greatness, progress, and success in life.

He listed them as the principles of the senior partner, sacrifice over satisfaction, process over results, and character over personality.

Nwabueze charged the audience to stay focused and take massive action from their learnings while urging them to intentionally increase the ripple effect of virtues in society by courageously sharing the principles of everyday greatness with the people around them.

“We believe that this conference has served as the jumpstart needed for young leaders and entrepreneurs to take their businesses and organisations to new levels of greatness, progress and success.

“At our next Conference in 2025, we have set plans in motion to host more than a thousand young leaders and entrepreneurs in Africa at the Transformation conference,” he added.

Leadership Expert, Patrick Uduma delivering his keynote speech, stated the relevance of transformation and the ability of everyone to evolve through stages.

He explained that sustainable transformation starts from having an understanding of identity and allowing it impact one’s thought pattern.

He also urged participants to pay attention and internalise their individual value system as it is the building block of one’s character and a factor that gives meaning to life.

The conference had in attendance about six speakers, six panellists and over 200 young leaders and entrepreneurs physically.
