YouTuber, Franklin Seeber speaks on how he blends passion for animals, content creation

With great confidence by his side, Franklin Seeber became a content creator and influencer right after completing high school. This led him to establish an important business that can generate revenue to support himself and those that work alongside me.

Born with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and making headlines for eye-grabbing work is almost an oxymoron of sorts. Franklin Seeker has proved that it is not. This 22-year-old tween is fearlessly ruling the online video space inspiring others to never let anyone pull you down.

From a very young age, Franklin has been in love with the thought of having his television show. Growing up watching Steve Irwin had a huge impact on his life and inspired him to create animal videos for over 500 million active viewers from around the world. He chose YouTube over other platforms because it allowed him to start a video blog of his experiences with my animals. Through this learning process, not only did he educate himself, but is also educating others about animal care.

His early days were spent accompanying his father in activities such as hunting and fishing. Not only did he enjoy these adventures but these also encouraged him to start producing films on various aspects of fishing. From here, he took help from his friends to learn the fundamentals of film-making to make his films enjoyable for his target viewers.

After crossing the first hurdle of generating 100,000 subscribers on his Youtube channel. Franklin received a 100,000 subscribers’ plaque. Franklin is currently running a full-time Youtube channel from his native place, educating millions of people about how animals hunt in the wild and strategies on how others can interact with their animals in a more personal way.

“I’m currently on my way to reaching my new goal of 10 million subscribers, buying my dream home and breeding hundreds of animals for the rest of the world to see, “ mentions Franklin on being asked about his next steps.

Franklin is investing in new business ventures focused on offering marketing consultancy with apparel brands and promotional items to give customers great quality products. He also wants to create a secondary channel to expand on the demographics to make the ventures more inclusive and create a workspace for the companies to establish a comfortable business model. Franklin is also very passionate about travelling, working out, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


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