You’ve lost grip on good governance, Anglican cleric tells Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari (Photo by Audu MARTE / AFP)

Groups root for pragmatic leaders, Saraki in 2023
The Bishop of Anglican Communion, Kaduna Diocese, Timothy Yahaya, has told President Muhammadu Buhari that he had “lost grip on good governance in Nigeria, just as political leaders are now behaving as if they are no longer accountable to the people.”

In his New Year message to the citizens, the cleric reminded the Buhari administration that, “if they escape account of man, they cannot escape the account of God.”

Yahaya regretted that the President had “failed to deliver on the promises he made over six years ago while running for the presidency.”

Reviewing the fight against corruption, insecurity and the economic policies of the current administration, he argued that the situation had gone worse.

The Bishop, however, urged Nigerians not to lose hope because according to him, “there will be recovery and transformation this New Year, as God will show the people mercy.”

He said: “To score the current government, you have to look back at what they campaigned to come and do in office. Number one is to stamp out corruption, but so far everybody on the street knows factually that there is corruption everywhere.

“They have not succeeded in fighting corruption. The fight against corruption should not be only when the people have looted the country. What are we doing to nip corruption right from the desk it is found, right from where the contract will be awarded? So for me, the fight against corruption has not even gone average.”

Yahaya continued: “The next campaign promise was security. When this government came to power, we knew that the only part of the country that was seriously challenged security-wise was the North East. But today, can Katsina people say they are experiencing security when the governor said the people should buy guns and defend themselves? Can the people in Sokoto where some travellers were burnt alive say there is security?

“The worrying thing about insecurity is that when Nigerians are killed, it becomes a number. It doesn’t look like human beings.

And I expected that the power-that-be should visit every scene where killings happened in this country to show how affectionate they are to the people. It is left for the world to also judge on the issue of security. Can we calculate how many Army Generals, we are not talking of soldiers, that were killed in the last six years now, how many policemen were killed, how many Air Force men were killed, if our security is taken the manner is being taken, I think Nigerians should think again.

“The third pillar of their campaign in coming to office is the economy. How much was the naira to the dollar. How much was the pump price of petrol when they came to power. How much was the bag of rice, you can go on and on. Let us also score the economy, and I want to pray that the year 2021 is gone with propaganda.”

IN a related development, the Atiku Kawai Media Group has urged Nigerians to vote for leaders that would ensure unity and progress in the country come 2023.

The advice was contained in a New Year message issued by its National Publicity Secretary, Abdurrahman Suleiman, where the organisation noted that insecurity and falling living standards were some of the challenges facing Nigeria.

ALSO, the North Central Nigeria for Good Governance (NCNGG), yesterday, backed ex-Senate President Bukola Saraki for the 2023 presidential race.

Led by Fagbemi Taofeek, the body said five unique attributes stand Saraki out for the exalted office.

The coordinator observed that the former Kwara State governor “is combining executive experience with legislative understanding.”


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