Zamfara PDP expels Bakauye over anti-party activities

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Zamfara State on Sunday expelled Hon. Ibrahim Shehu Bakauye, a 2022 governorship aspirant from the party, over alleged anti-party activities.

Bakauye contested along with others for the Zamfara PDP ticket in the 2022 governorship primaries.
After losing to Dauda Lawal in the May 25, 2022 primaries, he sued the party seeking the nullification of the result.

However, reviewing Bakauye’s activities in an expulsion letter, members of the PDP executive of his constituency, the Mayana ward, Gusau Local Government Area, accused him of gross indiscipline and colluding with the opposition to undermine the party.

The expulsion letter reads in part: “Sequel to the 2022 PDP primaries towards the 2023 general elections of which you contested for the governorship primaries in Zamfara State under our great party which you lost and your subsequent anti-party activities towards the PDP and its members in the ward, local government and state.

“The ward working committee of the PDP Mayana ward, Gusau Local Government, Zamfara State observed the following activities with dismay.
“That you instituted various actions against the party in the following courts, contrary to Article 58 (1) L of the PDP Constitution 2017 10s amended). FHC Gusau: Suit No: FHC/GS/13/2022. FHC Gusau: Suit No: FHC/GS/32/2022

“Consistent engagement in acts that are inimical to the party and other anti-party activities contrary to Article 58 (f) (h) and (i) of the PDP constitution 2017 (as amended).

“Gross indiscipline toward the party contrary to Article 58 (l) (a) (b) (c) of the PDP 2017 (as amended).

“It is in view of the foregoing that you, Hon. Ibrahim Shehu (Bakauye) Gusau, former member of the PDP, Mayana Ward, Gusau Local Government, Zamfara State, are hereby expelled from the Party and your party membership terminated effective January 2023.”

