Zik’s wife expresses concern over dilapidated UNN hostel

Wife of first President of Nigeria, Prof. Uche Azikiwe, has expressed concern over the dilapidated condition of Zik’s Flats Hostel at University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN).
She disclosed this, yesterday, in Nsukka, when members of Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe Memorial Foundation and Nsukka Ezue paid her a courtesy visit at her residence at Onuiyi Haven residence, Nsukka, saying that the abandonment of 21 two-storey buildings, 12 bungalows and refectory in Zik’s Flats Hostel is regrettable.

The former first lady stated that the family would continue to regret the sordid nature of the buildings, adding that efforts to get management of the school to rehabilitate it had not yielded dividends.
She said: “I have personally made inquiries from the university management about Zik’s flats, but no genuine reasons were given to me. Later, I was told it has been contracted to a developer; but it’s almost five years now, and no work has been done.”

“If UNN can’t rebuild the place, the university should hand it over to Zik’s family, if it is too much for us to handle, we will use the Build Operate Transfer (BOT) arrangement to rebuild the flats.”
“UNN will soon resolve the issue of rebuilding Zik’s flats, if it requires using Private Public Partnership, the university will do it,” he said.


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