Zulum signs N358.7 billion appropriation bill

[FILES] Zulum

Borno State Governor, Babagana Zulum, has signed the state’s 2024 appropriation bill of N358.7 billion into law. According to Zulum, the budget was increased by N18.1 billion by the State House of Assembly over the N340.6 billion presented on December 13, 2023.

While appending his signature yesterday in Maiduguri, the governor disclosed: “The 5.3 percent increase in the budget by the House of Assembly was to complete ongoing capital projects across the state.

‘The Budget of Consolidation and Progress’ has capital expenditures of N208.4 billion, while the recurrent component stood at N150.4 billion.

The governor commended the assembly for the speedy passage of the appropriation bill for his assent and become law. While presenting the budget for assent, the Speaker of the House, Abdulkarim Lawan, said with the good working relationship with the executive, the 28-member legislators will continue to support the Zulum administration.


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