Zuriel Oduwole expands education MDG, meets Cuba’s Ambassador to Nigeria

Cuban Ambassador, Sosa and Zuriel

THE United Nation’s (UN) Millennium Development Goals set globally in 2000 to accomplish eight specific targets by the year 2015, has almost reached its deadline.

Some of the lofty goals set include ensuring Universal Primary Education, Healthcare, Poverty Reduction, and Gender Equality (including Girls Education) among the core areas.

In her understanding of this mission and as part of her own contribution towards reaching this goal, Zuriel Oduwole held her maiden “First Lady’s Colloquy” in Lagos in April 2014, where she invited First Ladies and Gender Ministers from Africa, to explore the issues of girl-education, from a simpler perspective, through the eyes of a 12- year- old.

A few weeks later in London, she gave her first policy speech on Prime Time TV, where she identified three basic areas, she believed if properly combined, the MDG issue of Universal Primary Education would be much closer to its objective.

They are: the Human Resources willing to teach, the technology we are willing to share, and the relevant software to power all these. Zuriel currently learns with a modification of the above three tools.

For the Human Resources willing to teach, she met in Washington DC with the Director of the United States Peace Corp, Mrs. Carrie Hessler-Radelet, because the Peace Corps since the 1960’s has sent volunteers across the globe to share teaching foundations – an army Zuriel hopes to tap for her education programmes.

Zuriel also met the Cuban Ambassador to Nigeria – H.E. Carlos Sosa, because Cuba has, for decades, sent teachers to African countries, to help develop and strengthen the region’s education system.

Her next focus is technology companies, to explore partnerships with her DUSUSU (Dream Up, Speak Up, Stand Up) project as she moves that closer to developing her practical and simple educational model.



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