NDE, NDLEA to partner on skill acquisition centres

Ahmadu Giade NDLEA chairman
Ahmadu Giade NDLEA chairman
THE National Directorate of Employment (NDE) will make some of its training facilities available for the rehabilitation and re-orientation of drug-dependent people from the National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), the Director General of the NDE, Abubakar Mohammed has said.

The NDE helmsman stated this while receiving the Director General of the NDLEA, Mrs. Roli Bode-George, who paid a courtesy visit to the Directorate in Abuja.

Mohammed said he has directed the state coordinators of the NDE to collaborate with NDLEA at state level for the possibility of using some of the training facilities for the training of drug-dependent persons coming out of NDLEA facilities.

He lamented drug abuse by youths and traced many social ills to the fledging drugs abuse.
Speaking earlier, the Director General of NDLEA, Mrs. Bode-George ruled out Nigeria joining some countries to legalize the consumption of Marijuana.

Speaking in Abuja on the collaboration with the NDE over the possible use of its skills training facilities around the country for the rehabilitation process of drug-dependent persons, the NDLEA boss said the protocols as well as United Nations conventions signed onto by Nigeria forbid legalizing Marijuana and other illicit drugs for public consumption.

Her words: “Marijuana has the least withdrawal syndrome amongst of illicit drugs, but here in Nigeria, it is not permitted for consumption.
There is United Nations conventions and protocols that Nigeria signed into and that label Marijuana as an illicit drug that must not be consumed by member countries. Yes, it is true that some countries of the world are starting to permit its consumption but here in Nigeria, it remains banned and illegal. That is what the law says and all efforts are on to ensure its consumption especially by youths is reduced to the barest minimum even though we are striving to ensure its consumption is completely eradicated.”

The NDLEA boss said the Agency is seeking institutional collaboration with the NDE over the usage of some of their skills training centres for the rehabilitation of drugs-dependent persons saying, “People stigmatize drug-dependent persons who are put in our rehabilitation facilities and that is why we have come to ask for collaboration in this regard. We are now managing people who have issue with drugs abuse the way blood pressure cases are managed so

