2023 General Election: How To Vote And Vote Right

Vote Buying PHOTO: freepik/GuardianNigeria

Why should you vote? Voting is crucial because it is one of the fundamental rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democratic society. When citizens vote, it gives power to citizens and allows individuals to have a say in who governs them, and to participate in the decision-making processes that affect their lives.
Here are some reasons why voting is important:

It gives you a voice: Voting is your chance to have your say and make your voice heard. By casting your ballot, you are helping to shape the future of your community and your country.

It strengthens democracy: When citizens participate in the electoral process, it strengthens the democratic system by ensuring that government is accountable to the people it serves.

It creates a sense of community: Voting is a shared experience that brings people together, regardless of their differences. It is an opportunity to connect with others who share your values and beliefs.

Now, let’s talk about how to vote in the election slated for February 25, 2023.
Here are steps you can take to vote the right way.

To vote right, it is important to be informed about the candidates and issues of the country. This can be done by researching candidates’ backgrounds and stances on important issues and paying attention to debates and news coverage. Attend political rallies, debates, and other events where you can hear directly from the candidates. Also, take note of their past performance.

It’s also important to consider how your vote aligns with your personal values and beliefs.

Register to Vote: Ensure you have registered to vote in your constituency. You can do this by visiting the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) office in your area.
To vote, you must be registered to vote and have valid identification.

Get Your Voter’s Card: Once you have registered, you will be issued a Permanent Voter’s Card (PVC). This is the only way you can vote, so make sure to keep it safe and accessible.

Find out where and when to vote: Your local elections office or website should have information on where and when to vote in your area.

Show up at the polling station: On election day, go to your designated polling station with identification and any other necessary documents.

Cast your ballot: Once you are at the polling station, you will be given a ballot. Mark your choices and then place your completed ballot in the ballot box.

Vote right: If you want to vote right, meaning voting for a candidate on the ballot, you will need to follow specific procedures. One such is ensuring that your thumbprint is safely printed in one column and does not spill to the next columns beside it.

Bribery and prejudice have no place in voting. It is illegal and undermines the democratic process. It is essential to vote based on the merit of the candidates and issues at hand, without being influenced by external factors.

Clearly put, do not accept money or other incentives from candidates or their supporters in exchange for your vote. Remember that your vote is your voice, and it is priceless.

Vote Your Conscience: When you go to the polls, vote for the candidate who best represents your values, beliefs, and aspirations. Avoid voting based on ethnicity, religion, or other forms of bias.

Report Any Incidences of Bribery or Intimidation: If you witness or experience any form of bribery or intimidation, report it to the appropriate authorities, such as the police, INEC officials, or civil society groups.

On The Style Angle

Make sure you have your PVC and not your ATM card.

Water for the road: under the sun or in the rain, in this case, it’s under the sun and got weather. You will thirst. Take water with you to sip occasionally.
You can go the extra mile of Going with extra should in case someone like you trying to cast their vote didn’t come with water.

To look chic: as one article describes it, “beach outfit with a small dose of war attitude.” Wear light clothing, and have your sun shades on and cap ready to decide the next four years of your life.

Remember, your vote is your power and every vote counts. By voting right without bribery or prejudice, you are contributing/participating in a free and fair electoral process, and helping to build and shape a better Nigeria for all.


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