50th Anniversary: Why we established NYSC- Gowon

Yakubu Gowon at NYSC 50th Anniversary

Former Head of State, Gen. Yakubu Gowon, Tuesday said his administration established the National Youth Service Scheme (NYSC) to foster unity and peaceful co-existence of Nigeria at a period when the country was just recovering and at a low ebb.

Gowon, who disclosed at the official commissioning of the NYSC ICT centre in Abuja, explained that the establishment of the National Youth Service Corps on the 22 of May, 1973, was one of the most far reaching decisions he took while in office.

He said “I am sure all of us alive today are very happy to join all well-meaning Nigerians within and outside this country to celebrate the laudable achievements of the NYSC which has remained a vital reference point and a tool for fostering National Unity and integration

According to him “The Scheme, which was conceived fifty years ago as a child of necessity, to bring our youths, graduate youth together for one year period of public exponite and National Service for the promotion of national unity and integration, has now become a cynosure of attraction both within and outaide the shores of Nigeria.

The former Head of State also used the opportunity to commend all the past and present managers of the Scheme for their selfless efforts in building on the legacies of the founding fathers of NYSC.

“In like manner, I salute all the successive batches of Corps Members from inception till date, who obeyed the clarion call to National Service and gallantly contributed immensely to the success of the scheme and the development of our fatherland.

He added “The National Youth Service Corps in its five decades of tremendous contributions to National development has become a cynosure for other organizations within and outside the country. This is due to its role in the promotion of national unity and integration, free movement of labour enhancing manpower, improvement in effective participation in national assignments such as the conduct of elections and projected population census, development of culture and tourism, job creation, rural development, provision of free healthcare among other benefits. All these achievements have also attracted commendations from both local and the international communities.

In his remarks earlier, Director-General of NYSC, Brig Gen Yusha’u Dogara Ahmed noted that the introduction of ICT in its operations has become inevitable and an essential tool for the smooth running of all areas of Corps administration.

“With the expansion of the structure of the Scheme in 2014, the Information and Communication Technology Department was established. The Department was formely at the NDHQ but later moved to the extension at Area 11 for inadequate office space where they have been operating till date.

“It took the foresight of Management to commence this beautiful edifice bringing the ICT Department back to this place in a more befitting working environment for better service delivery.


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