9 Causes Of Hair Breakage And How To Stop It

Hi guys. Today we would be discussing hair breakage. Our hair might not be the strongest of all so it is necessary we protect it and try to curb breakage. I’ll list a few points and solutions and hope we find them helpful.

Sulphate Shampoos – Sulphate is the ingredients in shampoos and soap that cause it to lather well. Also, it cleans out the scalp completely thereby cleansing all the natural oils the scalp produces causing dryness that leads to Breakage. Make sure your shampoo is sulphate free and always prepoo before you wash with shampoo especially if you’re using one with sulphate. Examples of sulphate free shampoos are Creme of Nature Argan Oil shampoo, Bee Mine Moisturizing shampoo, Eden Bodyworks Jojoba Monoi Moisturizing shampoo, Jessicurl Gentleman Lather shampoo.

Combing Hair Dry – Kinky, curly hair is weak when dry so it’s advisable to comb when hair is mildly damp, not wet. Combing hair dry causes breakage because the hair is at its weak point at that moment. Get a leave in (conditioner) or make use of your spray bottle. Spritz before you comb.

Not Detangling Hair – I know detangling the hair can be a stressful exercise but it’s really necessary. If you don’t detangle, it causes tangles and knots which are harder to get rid off when you want to comb and style. They end up breaking off when you finally decide to detangle the hair. So it’s easier to detangle nightly with your fingers and oils or leave in and oils, put hair in twists or Bantu knots or braids before going to bed. You have less to deal with in the morning. No tangles, no knots, no breakage, no need for a comb. Also, always detangle with your fingers. It’s easier and better. Combs can lead to a lot of breakage.

Sleeping Without Protecting The Hair – Sleeping on cotton pillowcases and without anything covering the hair is a no no. Cotton dries out moisture thereby leading to breakage. Stock up on satin and silk pillow cases and bonnets for protection.

Towels -Towels tug on your hair and pull them out, breaking them off from your scalp. Using towels (microfiber) to dry your hair isn’t good. Use an old Tshirt or go to natural hair sites to get the proper type of towel for natural hair.

Heat – Using so much heat especially without heat protectants causes the hair to be weak and break off. Use heat sparingly and always do a protein treatment before it, and also use a heat protectant.

Weather – We know how harsh our weather is. The sun is really not good for our hair. Dries it out, makes it crunchy, crispy and breaks it off. Always use a products that have UV protection like Shea butter and bee mine bee daily conditioner. Or wear a hat.

No Moisture and Oils – When your hair is dry and without moisture, it leads to breakage. Our scalp produces its natural oils which is slow to travel and circulate so it needs our help. Always always moisturize and seal your hair. Use the LOC Method.

Over Manipulation and Stress –  When you manipulate your hair too much, it gets weak and tired, stops retaining length and breaks off. So easy with the manipulation and styles. Also stress on the body and mind affects the hair, just as what we eat affects the hair.



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