Ramadan: Glad tidings for a troubled society

Ramadan Kareem

Ramadan Kareem! It is a glad tiding indeed. The month of Ramadan in which the glorious Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The only month that the Muslims welcome with ecstasy across the globe.

Allah (SWT) prescribed this holy month to the believers in order to rectify their actions and purify their soul with a goal of attaining piety. Ramadan is the only month that Allah (SWT) authorizes the faithful Muslims to fast obligatorily throughout the days of the month.

Month of Ramadan is an embodiment of blessings. It is a month of emancipation, month of humility and empathy and in actual fact, it is month of protection, growth and steadfastness. The significance of this fasting and other good deeds within this month cannot be overemphasized, the rewards that came with it, are just too enormous.

The reason we consider Ramadan as glad tiding to a trouble society like Nigeria in particular is not far-fetched. One of the obvious facts of this present stage is that, the old norms have failed to convince or speculate any bright future for the present youth, neither do the youths seem to have any opportunity to steer the canoe to a successful landing anymore.

Nigeria at the verge of collapse right from her existence till subsidy removal syndrome, education in disarray, insecurity everywhere, health in total collapse, social amenities inaccessible to Nigerians, nothing seems to be working in Nigeria as almost all parastatals are in a state of comatose.

In fact, now we are facing a new time of ignorance, a fresh ‘Jahiliyyah’ that Arab experienced in the sixth century before the advent of Islam. It is high time we need the mighty hand of Almighty Allah (SWT) to directly or indirectly come into our aids. We should go back to Him, during this month.

Islam is the only religion that set up its value system plainly to uproot all agents of evil that always distrupt the peace living among ourselves and concerning our necessity to think clearly about Deity, and to worship Him sincerely.

Only and when after we accomplish this, and establish His pure worship, ready to consider, through the divine wisdom of Allah (SWT), realize our sins and crime we have committed. Consequently, we show determination to sincerely and willingly move toward setting a pace for the last solution of our problems which happens to be the core value of Ramadan.

The glorious Qur’an has made the Muslims to believe that fasting helps to become more empathetic towards others and encourage them to be more charitable. It is unequivocally believed that Ramadan helps the Muslims to develop all what it is required to move our loving nation – Nigeria forward .

Virtues such as self-control, faithfulness, sincerity, piety, discipline and patience are some of the values fasting inculcate in the leaders and the followers. This is the time to reflect on one’s actions, repent and seek for forgiveness from Allah and take a good new life.

Also, this fasting reinforces one’s faith and piety, manifest help to become more mindful of God and His blessings, jettison all acts of indiscipline which one can be committed against society or our fellow men, such as murder, theft, embezzlement, lying, terrorism, killing of fellow human beings, slandering, adultery etc. in a nation where all these evil acts are the norms, development will be completely absent.

Finally, Ramadan makes us to feel the plight of those who do not have adequate food, water and shelter. More importantly, it improves good manners in both private and public. In fact, it is only in this month of Ramadan that welfare tax redistributes wealth openly and otherwise, among the poor and needy, so that society can function in just manner. It is also glad tidings to those who are with health challenges, that this fasting do not only facilitate forgiveness of sins only, it also promotes detoxification and overall well-beings.

This is done naturally by expelling body toxins and systematically reducing the rate of food consumption. This is due to the fact that abstaining from eating and drinking enhances the metabolic process of the body.

Moreover, among the merit derivable from this blessed duration of Ramadan fasting is: calling for sober reflection of our leaders in Nigeria that they are accountable to all their acts before Almighty Allah. It gives them and everyone a privilege to rethink and reform our ways of lives. To think about our numerous sins and propel us to assess one’s progress as the day counts. Ramadan helps so meaningfully either to stay on the track, or to change for better.

Any nation that achieves all these attributes of Ramadan is bound to be developed in all ramifications while its citizens live in peace and tranquility.

Oh Allah! Let us complete this month of Ramadan in such a manner to meet Your satisfaction; spare us from Your punishment and the fire of hell, and let our final abode be in Your paradise.

Oh Allah! Let us live to fast Ramadan for many years to come and many times to elapse. Oh Allah! Accept our fasting and prayers during the Holy Month; forgive our mistakes and sins and help us observe Your commands to be prepared for what is to come. Aameen.
Dr AbdulLateef is Head of Arabic Language Department, Tai Solarin College of Education, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State.


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