A Trip To Hell: 3 Pastors With Controversial Revelations

Religion is the opium of the people. It is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of our soulless conditions – Karl Marx.

Ever so often, we get revelations from ‘pastors’ who ‘predict end times’ after a brief/long trip to Hell. 

Deeply religious, spiritual and devoted, religion has formed the bedrock of the Nigerian society since independence. In fact, Nigerians have ever so often described the country as the most religious in the world.

Religion in Nigeria has grown and eaten its way deep into every Nigerian home, and every Nigerian child is raised with a belief, whether Christianity, Islam or the African Traditional Religion. 

With a large percentage of the population practising Christianity, it comes as no surprise that you’ll find at least one church in every Nigerian street. And with the high number of churches within the country, there is also an ever-increasing number of pastors to match these missions being formed every day.

Whether Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian or Pentecostal, these different missions have two things in common; the belief in a Supreme God and end times.


Fortunately or otherwise, with religion comes some sort of cult formed based on followership. These cults come with ‘rules,’ behaviours that guide their members, determining their place in the afterlife ever so often coined after divine revelations from their visit to Heaven or Hell.  

Not peculiar to Nigeria alone, several pastors around the world have by some power navigated their way into Heaven and Hell. Here are 5 Nigerian pastors who have the coordinates to Hell: 

  • Rev. Emmanuel Eni

Author of circa 1988 book Delivered From The Powers Of Darkness, Emmanuel Eni was an ex-African witch who visited the depths of Hell and revealed the modus operandi of the devil in unleashing his reign over the world. 

His book is widely known for exposing the secrets of the spiritual world, including the underwater spirit world, working with Lucifer. If you love fancy things, including money, wealth and women, Eni says that these are instruments manufactured by Lucifer to destroy the church. 

In his book, Eni describes his initiation into the occultic world through his fiancee Alice who submitted his name to an occult group in India. Alice had invited him to his first-ever occultic meeting after he found several fetish items in the apartment they lived in, including skulls, a calabash and red clothes. You should read the book for full details of his evil deeds as a member of the spiritual world; there’s only one word to describe the feeling while you do SHOCK!

Eni came in contact with Jesus Christ months after months of spiritualism. He said that he was shown all of his evil deeds as well as those he had planned on what looked like a blackboard. What’s even better, he was given a full tour of the afterlife by none other than Christ himself, taken to six rooms. The first room showed the entire world with everyone Christians and unbelievers going about their day. 

In the second room, he saw people chained and looking sorrowful whom Christ described as ‘The Hypocrites’, noting that “They will remain this way until the judgment day.” The third room contained people rejoicing in white clothes; the redeemed awaiting their judgement.

The fourth room was Hell, describing this room as the most frightening; Eni wrote, “it looked like a whole city on fire.”

Delivered From The Powers Of Darkness created the baseline for other visits to the metaphysical realm; in fact, soon after the book’s release, many other pastors and Christians began to reveal the details of their trip to Hell. 

  • Sister Linda Ngaujah

In her two-part revelation, Sister Linda took us on an in-depth tour of the underworld and even listed names of popular Nigerian pastors that had everyone shaking. 

The Sierra Leonean woman claimed to have visited Hell after she died on February 13, 2013. An unbeliever before her death, Sister Linda claimed that her false beliefs were removed after walking through the broad road and being tormented by demons. 

According to her, the entrance was guarded by demons heavily armed with weapons. 

She claimed that demons had tortured her for putting attachments in her hair, her head pierced with different hot red irons. She said that alcohol, jewellery, trousers were all sins, and she was tortured for them. 

Sister Linda also named Nigerian pastors whom she claimed were headed to Hell and said she saw Whitney Houston, Muammar Gaddafi.

  • Mummy G.O.

Like those mentioned above, Olufumulayo Adeboye, popularly known as Mummy G.O., has also had her compass directed to Hell. She is the General Overseer of Rapture, Proclaimer Evangelical Church of God, and she has spent 990 years during her trip to the underworld. The kpata kpata crooner said during her stay/ visit to Hell was apparently able to pick up the do’s and don’t to avoid going to Hell, having once tormented the people of God. 

She said in one of her surfaced clips that “I’ve been working in the kingdom of darkness, doing all sorts of things in the church, attacking the church, molesting the work of God and pastors.” The controversial Mummy G.O. ushered in the year being a favourite meme and a source of comic relief to some and to others becoming die-hard fans. 

Ever since the prophet of emergence, she has listed several morals, decadence and lifestyles that would lead one to Hell. On the queue, you have things like avoid makeup at which she refers to the biblical Jezebel. Are you affiliated to football as a career or a sports lover? Mummy G.O.’s revelation indicates that it would lead such people to Hell. In her words, the prophet says, “Just go on Google, search for the god of soccer, it will be shown to you. Why didn’t I say the same about other sports?

“They just want to arouse every soccer lover against me.

“The event that will introduce the antichrist to the world will come through the World Cup.”

However, in an interview with BBC, mummy G.O. said that her words have been misconstrued, and she denied the allegations that she uttered what is being speculated about her in the audio clips.

Honourable Mention

Remember Reverend King? The famous overseer of the Christian Praying Assembly. Though, unlike others, he did not have the right coordinates to find himself in the metaphysical Hell, but he is probably living Hell on earth after he was sentenced to death on January 2007, but the supreme court upheld this on February 26 2016.

Unfortunately, Rev. King having a full grip of the body and mind of his followers, was able to carry out a series of atrocities that came to light after his arraignment in court on murder charges. He was arrested for burning up his church members, who had supposedly fornicated. The then Reverend was accused by members of his congregation to have had illicit sex with members as well as being violent to them. Such allegations toppled the once-revered Reverend, who is now locked away in Jos after perpetrating more crimes of illicit sex with a warden while in Lagos prison.

Religion, as it appears, has been and is still being used as opium given to gullible individuals who find themselves entrapped in their misguided pursuit of faith and religion. Ironically many like those mentioned have been a source of inspiration and model. 


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