Absence of good character – Part 3

Solomon Ojigiri
We have discussed several reasons for failed relationship, especially courtship and why such relationships do not metamorphosed into blissful marriage. Even some marriages fall like a pack of cards as a result of some of these very important reasons.

Today, we shall be looking at another very critical problem that has led to the disastrous end of many relationships. Today, we shall be looking at the problem of pride and arrogance. No one loves to be in a relationship with a proud, pompous, and arrogant person. Pride is a major reason for the delay in the lives of many eligible bachelors and spinsters. Humility is critically important for anyone who truly desires a lasting relationship. Pride is so disastrous and very catastrophic because most of the time, the victims may not really be aware until someone tells them. Like Shakespeare said in his book “Julius Caesar:” The eyes do not see itself except by reflection.” Sometimes, those who are proud need to be told before they are aware of their pride.

The Word of God has so much to say with this problem of pride, and even the Bible tells us that God Who is loving and caring, resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. (1 Peter 5. 5&6). Whatever makes God to resist a man must be very terrible and disgusting. The reasons are not far-fetched. Often, proud people do not recognise the place of God. Sometimes, they may claim that they know God but surprisingly, they usually find it difficult to submit to His authority. A proud person is usually full of himself. Proud people believe that they know better than everyone. A proud person is not teachable. He would rather love to be the one teaching others. Proud people always find it difficult to learn, but a humble person sees opportunities to learn from everyone and from every situation. Pride makes people to overestimate themselves. They see themselves as more important than others. Pride makes people to arrogate all their success, victories and breakthroughs to their efforts, diligence, human connections, wisdom and intelligence. A proud man basks in the glory they should have given to God. The great Apostle Paul, a man that was full of grace and power of God said, “I am what I am by the grace of God.” He did not attribute his success in life and Ministry to his eloquence or intelligence or even legal or academic prowess. There are ladies, today, who cannot submit to the leadership of any man in marriage because of their intelligence, achievements or even their qualifications. There are also men that see the subject of submission in marriage to mean that a woman has no say at all in marriage. They see submission as a means of suppression and oppression because they are controlled by the spirit of pride. I started going to law courts to watch proceedings since I was in secondary school. I usually have keen interest especially in cases that have to do with marriage and divorce. I realised since then that many marriages actually hit the rock because no one was ready to say “I am sorry.” Proud people find it difficult to accept their faults or mistakes. Rather, they delight in transferring blames and justify themselves. Proud people find it difficult to take correction. They also find it difficult to embrace change.

For questions, counselling, prayers & more information, please contact Rev. Solomon Julius Ojigiri, Everwinning Faith Ministries Int’l. 73/77, Everwinning Faith Avenue, White Sand, Isheri Osun, Festac Extension, Lagos. 08023997277 or www.everwinningfaithministries.org or www.solomonojigiri.org


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