AI Wave: Adekunle Babasola shares nuggets for project managers to thrive

Adekunle Babasola is a project leader, product innovator, and Founder of Prizeskout. With over seven years of experience, he has found a niche for himself as the Founder of Prizeskout. While he continues to redefine strategies and proffer the right approach for every tech situation, he shared invaluable nuggets on Artificial intelligence (AI) as a transformative force reshaping the landscape of project management today.

“Unlike shifts in methodology or software updates, AI is revolutionising every aspect of how projects are conceived, planned, executed, and delivered,” he emphasised.

According to Babasola, for project managers (PMs), this transformation is immediate and profound. The critical question is not whether AI will alter their roles but how they can adapt to and thrive amidst this wave of innovation.

In dispelling myths, he described AI as an ally, not an adversary. “A prevalent misconception about AI is that it aims to replace human roles. In reality,” adding that AI is designed to complement human efforts by automating mundane and repetitive tasks.

Babasola, a product innovator, went ahead to list some potential that AI is already unlocking for project teams. “Imagine having a tireless assistant capable of data crunching, risk identification, resource optimisation, and handling administrative tasks that typically consume valuable time.”

Among AI’s transformative power, he acknowledged, is Project scheduling, traditionally a time-consuming and error-prone task. He is certain that AI-powered tools can analyse historical data, resource availability, and task dependencies to generate optimised schedules swiftly.

According to the project leader, these schedules are not static; they are dynamic, adjusting in real time to project changes. For instance, advanced AI algorithms can continuously refine timelines, enhancing accuracy and efficiency far beyond traditional methods.

Babasola believes that risk management is another area where AI proves invaluable. He added, “AI algorithms can sift through vast amounts of project data to identify potential problems before they escalate into significant setbacks.” He stressed that this proactive approach allows for early mitigation, preventing costly delays and budget overruns. “Tools like nPlan are pioneering the use of AI in revolutionising risk assessment in construction projects, demonstrating AI’s capacity to transform risk management across industries.”

While AI excels at analytical tasks and automation, Babasola sadly admitted that it falls short in areas requiring nuanced human interaction. Building relationships, motivating teams, and making complex decisions involving intuition and judgment are domains where human PMs retain a distinct advantage.

Thus, the PMs who will thrive in this AI-driven landscape are those who embrace AI as a powerful ally, leveraging it to automate routine tasks and free up time for strategic and interpersonal aspects of their roles.

In adapting to the AI-driven landscape, Babasola provided some nuggets to help people excel in an AI-augmented environment, noting that PMs must focus on several key strategies.

He highlighted upskilling as a strategy. “Investing time in learning how to use AI tools effectively is crucial. Understanding the strengths and limitations of these tools will enable PMs to harness their full potential,” says the Prizeskout founder.

“Communication, negotiation, leadership, and decision-making skills become even more critical in an AI-augmented environment. These skills differentiate human PMs and allow them to add unique value,” he outlined.

While underscoring the importance of commitment to continuous learning, Babasola insisted that staying informed about the latest developments and adapting skillsets accordingly is essential for long-term success.

“Fortunately, numerous resources are available to help PMs navigate this new terrain,” he said. “Online courses, workshops, industry publications, and AI-powered learning platforms offer guidance and knowledge to stay ahead in the field. Embracing these resources will equip PMs with the tools and insights needed to thrive in an AI-driven world.”

For the project leader, the AI revolution is not a fleeting trend but a fundamental shift in how people work. By embracing AI as a partner, “PMs can not only survive this transformation but also emerge as more effective and valuable leaders in project management.

“The future is not about man versus machine;” he insisted. “it is about man with machine. Together, they can achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency, accuracy, and innovation in project management.”

Ultimately, Babasola is confident that the integration of AI in project management heralds a new era of collaboration and efficiency. By embracing this change and focusing on continuous learning and soft skill enhancement, he said PMs can navigate the AI wave successfully and lead their teams to greater heights. “The landscape of project management is transforming, and those who adapt will thrive in this new paradigm.”


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