Akingbulu advocates inclusive review of regulatory code

Dr. Akin Akingbulu

Executive Director, Centre for Media and Society (Cemeso), Akin Akingbulu, has called on regulatory agencies in the media space to prioritise citizen participation in legal and regulatory reforms.

Emphasis on inclusivity aims to foster better understanding, and build mutual trust among stakeholders in the media industry. Akingbulu made the remarks during a courtesy visit to the Director General National Broadcasting Commission (NBC), Charles Ebuebu, and follow-up meeting on the amendment of the NBC Act in Abuja recently.

Advocating comprehensive legal reforms, Akingbulu highlighted the need for enhanced independence, adequate funding for the NBC and full implementation of the Digital Switch Over (DSO) project to modernise Nigeria’s broadcasting industry. He further urged the NBC to address outdated laws that hinder modern journalistic practices.

Responding, Ebuebu pledged the commission’s commitment to establishing a more transparent, inclusive, and effective regulatory framework that serves the interests of all stakeholders.

He emphasised the move is necessary to rebuild stakeholder confidence and outlined commitment to conducting thorough review of the NBC’s code and processes, appeal court judgments that restrict the commission’s ability to sanction broadcasters and uphold transparency and fairness in interactions with stakeholders.

Ebuebu further highlighted efforts to equip NBC staff with necessary tools and update their skills to navigate the digital age. The meeting marks a significant contribution by Cemeso under Phase II of the European Union Support to Democratic Governance (EU-SDGN) initiative.
Cemeso engages House Committee on media law reforms

EXECUTIVE Director of the Centre for Media and Society (Cemeso), Dr. Akin Akingbulu, has called on lawmakers to prioritise legislative reforms in the media and information sector, emphasizing the need to address pressing national and global issues affecting the media landscape.

Akingbulu made this call in Abuja during a courtesy visit and follow-up meeting to the Chairman, House Committee on Information National Orientation in the House of representatives on issues relating to media law reform and the amendment of the NBC Act.

This visit marked a significant intervention by Cemeso under Phase II of the European Union Support to Democratic Governance (EU-SDGN) initiative.
Cemeso Executive Director stressed importance of reforms that deepen democracy, enhance media freedom and promote pluralism of expression.

Akingbulu highlighted the fundamental role of citizen participation in the legislative process, describing it as crucial for a functioning democracy and essential for creating acceptable laws.

He emphasied the importance of involving stakeholders during the drafting process and raised concerns about outdated laws within the information sector and urged the committee to prioritise research-based legislative decisions.

In response, Chairman of the House Committee, Steve Olufemi Fatoba, expressed his commitment to working on necessary legislative reforms, citing ongoing efforts to the review of the Press Council Bill. He acknowledged the importance of stakeholder engagement and the challenges related to resource limitations in finalising legislative processes.

Fatoba assured stakeholders that he would work along with other stakeholders at ensuring that relevant National Assembly body issue early notices for public hearings; continue to maintain an open-door policy for stakeholder input and work closely with civil society organisations to address legislative challenges and ensure lawmakers meet citizens’ expectations.


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