All men everywhere – Part 2

Israel Kristilere
Israel Kristilere needs to repent. Where I have not given full attention to the potentials God has given to me. I need to repent of not praying enough in private as in public. I need to repent for not depending on God enough to see more of His hands at work. I need to repent of hiding when the Lord wants me to make known His power.

• Husbands must repent of not relating well with their wives and having time for their children.

• Wives must repent of not treating their husbands’ right and not supporting, as they should.

• Children who have abandoned their parents for whatever reasons must repent. The care for your parents is not tied to any biblical condition.

• Employees must repent of not giving their best to the job they are assigned to do.

• Employers must repent of not paying commensurate salaries to their workers, leaving them to scavenge for money to make ends meet.

• Uncommitted Church members must also repent and become useful members of their Churches, using their gifts and talents to glorify God.

• Businessmen and women must repent for putting profit above human welfare.

• Citizens of Nigeria working against the progress of this nation/sabotaging her economy must repent.

• Those in government must repent of putting themselves above the citizens of this nation, and not fulfilling their campaign promises.

• The APC government must repent. Members of the party must repent of the lies with which they took overpower. The ruling party must repent and seek the forgiveness of Nigerians for not delivering on their promises.

• While some have wrongly asked President Muhammad Buhari to resign because of the current challenges, God says resignation is not the solution but repentance. Mr. President must also repent. No doubt, he contested for the Presidency meaning well for the country, but it is clear to us all that meaning well is not synonymous with faring well. The truth is that it is truly not well with the country, whichever way you look at it. While Mr. President is not the architect of the problems facing us, the Lord says he must repent for he fuelled some of the problems through lopsided appointments of people largely from his own region/religion, especially to very sensitive positions and surrounding himself with people who will often view issues within the scope of his tribe and faith. Mr. President, it is not too late to repent. Repent and balance the appointments.

• The opposition party, PDP, must also repent. They must repent of using every opportunity to get back at the ruling party, instead of proffering a credible solution. Attacking the ruling party is not in the interest of the country, but looking for ways to solve our general challenges. Therefore, our political class must repent, be it our governors, House of Reps members, senators, ministers, commissioners, and councillors (etc) must repent.

• Those who value the lives of animals/cows above that of human beings must repent. Today, there is a great hunger in the land because our farmers are afraid to go to their farms and cows are eating up their crops. Those who supply AK47 as instruments of rearing cows in the bush must repent. Those who are also profiting from the proceeds of banditry and kidnapping must repent.

Shepherdhill Baptist Church, (Sanctuary of Grace & Glory),
Baptist Academy Compound, Obanikoro, Lagos.
WhatsApp: 2348033052590.


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