“Amidst all the voices that told me I couldn’t, I found that one voice that told me I could” – Aisha Augie Kuta – Special Adviser (Digital Communications Strategy) to Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning

Aisha Kuta

Episode 5 of ‘They Said I Couldn’t’ features the story of communications strategist and creative artist – Aisha Augie.

‘They said I Couldn’t’ is a docu-series brought to you by Sunlight Nigeria in collaboration with Under 40 CEOs.

Everyone had a reason as to why a career as a Photographer was impossible but Aisha held on to that one voice of Betty Irabor that believed her dreams are valid.

Click the link below to watch this 7-minute episode.

Oftentimes, we’re inspired by the stories of successful women. But hardly do we know what goes on behind the scenes. Their struggles, the several times they’ve gotten NOs for answers.
Meet Aisha in this episode as she takes us through her barrier-breaking journey as a Female Photographer and Filmmaker.

With over a decade of experience in Media and Communications, Aisha excels at harnessing traditional and new media to create value for communities. As an internationally celebrated creative artist, photographer, filmmaker, and communication specialist, Aisha has led various development initiatives for the advocacy of youth and women empowerment across Nigeria.

Working in both the private, public and not-for profit sectors in key industries, Aisha has developed various soft skills including leadership and corporate communication. Aisha’s passion for community development and governance spurred her to run for the House of Representatives for the Argungu-Augie Constituency as the first female under the major party in Nigeria.

She is competent to set precedence in business and well versed in influencing others through leading by example and advocating best practice.


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