Boat Mishap: AGN suspends riverine film shoots, as Minister mourns


Following the boat mishap that claimed the lives of some Nollywood actors including Obumneme John Paul Odonwodo, popularly known as Junior Pope, and three other crew members, the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) has suspended all movies in riverine areas and boat riding across the country.

In a statement released by the AGN President, Emeka Rollas, the guild also barred actors from acting in any movie to be produced by Adanma Luke. She was the producer of the movie that actor Junior Pope alongside other actors were featuring before their untimely death in a boat mishap in Anam River, Anambra State, while returning from a filming location on Wednesday, April 10.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Art, Culture and Creative Economy, Hannatu Musawa has expressed deep shock at the death of the Nollywood actor. She noted barely 48 hours after the death of Kannywood actress Saratu Gidado was announced, Junior Pope was reportedly drowned on his way back from a movie location alongside some persons yet to be confirmed.

In a statement released by her media aide, Musawa described the recent spate of deaths in the entertainment industry as horrific and tragic. “It’s a sad week for us in the creative and movie industry and a black Wednesday. Losing two lives in three days is not only horrifying but colossal.”

Born on May 7, 1984 in Bamenda, Cameroun, but moved to Nigeria at a young age, Junior Pope started his career in acting and made his debut in Nollywood in 2006. Throughout his career, he showcased his versatility by taking on diverse roles across various movie genres.


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