Chrisland school girl: Mum laments being trolled by parents, others

Whitney Adeniran mom

• Coroner adjourns inquest on Whitney’s death to April 4 as school denies
exhumation request • Sets date to visit Dowen school over Oromoni’s death

Blessing Adeniran, mother of the 12-year-old student of Chrisland Schools, Whitney,  who died on February 9, 2023, during the school’s inter-house sports at Agege Stadium, Lagos, yesterday, lamented receiving threats and trolls online.

Whitney was buried Thursday, March 2, 2023 in Lagos, after an autopsy, conducted by Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), dated March 1, 2023, revealed that she died as a result of asphyxia and electrocution.

Mrs. Blessing spoke to The Guardian shortly after a Lagos coroner sitting at Magistrate’s court, Ogba, Lagos.

According to her, “a fellow parent, , told me that it was an accident that could happen anywhere and asked if I wanted money from the school.

She wrote to me, “May God console your family, but my question is, do you want  the school to pay or for the school to be permanently closed?

“Then, consider other children in the school who have paid their fees. Are they supposed to be thrown out of school? We feel your pain, but we are not clear with your revenge. This could have happened anywhere.

“Others said I should allow their children to sit for their examinations. I have been bullied and trolled.”

“I spent 16 hours during labour when I had my child. I collapsed, suffered and she couldn’t stay to enjoy all we are working for. They took my daughter away when she should have been with me. My child was already cooking, wearing my shoes. She fried two cartons of turkey during our December party. My daughter was responsible. I travelled for days and left her to take care of her siblings. She was the head girl when she was in Primary school,” she lamented.

Meanwhile, Magistrate Olabisi  Fajana has fixed April 4, 2023, to commence inquest on circumstances surrounding the death of  Whitney Adeniran.

Magistrate Fajana gave the date after entertaining submissions from counsel, who appeared before the court.

Counsel to the deceased’s family, Femi Falana, had informed the court that they were unable to file a witness statement as instructed by the court.

Falana told the court that the registry refused to enroll the witness’s statement on the ground that there was no provision for filing of coroner processes.

Counsel to the school, Olukayode Enitan, denied reports that the school requested for the body of the girl to be exhumed.

He informed the court that he has an application before it, seeking to get samples and materials to carry out an independent evaluation of the autopsy report.

He also prayed the court to prevail on the parents of the deceased to stop interfacing with the press, which the Magistrate declined.

Responding, Falana, denied receiving any application from the defecse counsel.

He also faulted the request of the counsel to the school since the school’s representatives were present when the autopsy was conducted.

On his part, Akin George, who is representing Lagos State government, told the court that what the state received is a letter and not an application, stressing that  the state would respond at the appropriate time.

Magistrate Fajana informed the counsel that she would get directives from the Chief Magistrate on how to ensure that the processes are filed before the coroner and adjourned the commencement of trial till April 4.

She advised all counsel to ensure that all their processes were filed and confirmed on April 3, 2023.

Also, another coroner, Magistrate Mikhail  Kadiri, has fixed April 1, 2023,  to visit  Dowen College over the death of Sylvester Oromoni.

The date was fixed after doctor to the Oromoni family was cross-examined.

Oromoni, 12, a student of Dowen College, Lekki, Lagos, died on November 30, 2021, allegedly from injuries sustained in an attack.


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