Climate change or fluctuations? – Part 1

Presently, the general belief is that the world climate is changing. Any contrary views is treated with disbelief, disdain and opprobrium. The aim of this write up is to present a contrary opinion. Can you kindly bear us out?

The basics and details of my argument are contained in my book called “REAL EARTH AND ITS PHYSICS”. The Guardian Newspaper Limited Nigeria, October 3 2019 reviewed briefly this book which claims to contain all time greatest development in physical algebra (mathematics) physics, physical chemistry, environmental, geological, astronomical and astro-physical sciences.

A basic and far-reaching demonstration of this book is that the earth is not spherically symmetric. These factual truth renders otiose any argument hypothesis or theory based on the spherical nature of the earth as a whole.

Firstly, the book demonstrates how the earth can be divided, accurately and precisely into seven nested Rainfall regions, climate latitude zones, and process intensity domain or magnitude system. Thereafter it shows how long-term parameter values of each natural process or phenomenon in each zone can be determined accurately and precisely. The above also renders out of place any hypothesis or theories such as the plate-tectonic theory that suggest that position of climate latitude zones have changed or due change over given geological periods.

Indices of climate change
The book “GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE,” impact on energy development. Edited by Engr. J. C. Umolu and published by Damtech Nigeria Limited, Jos, 1995, contains most of the argument, which supports the climate change theory.

The term climate change, climate fluctuations and climate variations have been applied to describe mechanic of climate. Climate variability means very short time local changes in weather conditions of a place. The indices of weather include, Rainfall. Its intensity, duration and frequency, sunshine, temperature, temperature lapses rate, humidity, atmospheric pressure and desertification.

When such short changes in weather are extended over much longer period of time, say about 30 years, then we talk of climate fluctuations, Climate change involves very long or permanent changes in the indices of weather, statistically obtained and analyzed data have suggested to proponents of the climate change theory that the climate of the world has changed in geological times and is changing now, to us the use of statistic in the natural and physical sciences, represents poor man’s mathematics because we believe that the natural numbers, represents the true basis for natural and physical sciences.

Mechanics of climate change
The way that the climate of the earth has changed or is changing, has been likened to what goes on in a green house; it is therefore known as the “GREEN HOUSE EFFECT”. Heat from the sun is trapped and warms the green house. This green house prevents the heat from escaping into the atmosphere, this scenario is said to apply to the natural atmosphere.

The heat from the sun is trapped in the ionosphere, warms, burns and creates a hole in the ionosphere, passes directly through the atmosphere without warming the atmosphere and unto the earth’s surface. There, it is trapped and warms the earth’s surface. The green house gases include water vapors, carbon dioxide, oxygen, methane, oxides of nitrogen, chloro-flow carbon and other gases. These green house gases come from bush burning and burning of coal and industrial operations.

Causative factors of climate change
The causative factors of climate change have been grouped into four namely: astronomical; terrestrial; human and ephemeral.
1. Astronomical factor have to do with things, which cause the orbital inclination of the earth around the sun to change. Such changes affect the amount of solar radiation that can penetrate down to the earth
2. Terrestrial factors relate to the plate-tectonic theory. This theory postulates that the position of the climate latitude zones has changed over geological eras and that it changes continually,
3. Actions of man such as deforestation, bush burning, industrial emissions heats up the lower atmosphere
4. Ephemeral factors are those, which cause reduction in temperature of the outer atmosphere. The ephemeral factors are principally the aerosols. The aerosols, which are particulate matter, come mainly from volcanic eruptions.
Some contents of the book “Real Earth and Its Physics”

As noted earlier, the Nigerian Guardian Newspaper Ltd, October 3, 2019 reviewed briefly this book “REAL EARTH AND ITS PHYSICS”(2019,380 pages).

*To be continued next week
*Prof. Agwu I. Agwu is an engineering geologist, research scientists and retired as mathematics physicist at Abia State University


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