Constitutional lawyers defend Emefiele, blast Akpabio’s “baseless attacks”

Suspended governor of Nigeria’s Central Bank Godwin Emefiele (R) appears at the Federal Capital Territory High Court over allegations of breach of procurement act and financial fraud in Abuja, Nigeria, on August 17, 2023. (Photo by KOLA SULAIMON / AFP)

A group of constitutional lawyers, led by Yusuf Ahmed Tijani, has emerged as staunch defenders of former CBN Governor Godwin Emefiele, denouncing accusations of economic mismanagement during his tenure as “baseless” and politically motivated.

In a statement released on Monday, the lawyers condemned Senator Godswill Akpabio’s recent criticism of Emefiele, labeling it a “childish attempt” to divert attention from his own ongoing corruption investigations. They urged Akpabio to “surrender himself to the EFCC immediately” instead of targeting Emefiele.

The lawyers argued that Emefiele’s economic policies and reforms laid a strong foundation for Nigeria’s financial stability. They contrasted his tenure with the current economic hardships, suggesting the blame lies with “the clueless new CBN leadership” under Emefiele’s successor, Olayemi Cardoso.

As evidence, the statement highlights the drastic deterioration of the foreign exchange rate since Emefiele’s departure. Under his leadership, the parallel market rate hovered around N750 per dollar, compared to the current rate exceeding N1,700. This stark contrast, they argue, exposes the ineffectiveness of the current team and their desperate attempt to shift blame.

The lawyers concluded by urging the current administration to “fold up their sleeves and begin to work to recover the economy’s lost glory.” They offer their assistance, emphasizing the need for competent leadership and responsible policymaking to navigate Nigeria out of its economic woes.


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