‘Creative writers should narrow down to a niche, build their expertise’

Ijeoma EtukIjeoma Etuk is the Lead Content Marketing Strategist at InkJay Creatives and Contracts, with three years of experience in content writing, research and editing. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology from Ebonyi State University. With a focus on ‘Content Creation with InkJay,’ Ijeoma has successfully trained over 4,000 business owners on how to attract their audience, target their market, build credibility and generate sales through engaging, inspiring, entertaining and educational content.

She has also designed more than 80 customised content calendars that have helped brands and business owners achieve best-selling products. Testimonials from her clients consistently showcase her exceptional services and contribute to the continuous growth of her brand. In addition to her role as a content marketing strategist and writer, Ijeoma is a Certified Virtual Assistant, proficient in various tasks such as social media management, email management, customer service support, data entry, lead generation and general administrative duties. She continuously expands her skill set to provide comprehensive professional assistance. Ijeoma’s work ethic and dedication are evident in her conscientious approach to her work and training. Alongside her professional pursuits, she is a devoted lover of God. In this interview with ESTHER IJEWERE, she shares her inspiring story and passion for creative writing.

About her
I am a TV presenter and a content marketing strategist whose roles cut across showcasing professionals and teaching business owners/companies/institutions the kinds of content to create to be able to attract their audience, build credibility and make sales while engaging, educating, inspiring and entertaining them, as well as designing tailor-made content calendars that make your product/service become your bestseller.

Why a content media strategist
I saw firsthand the desperation and frustration a lot of professionals and business owners wear on their faces when they are trying to make sales, seal deals or bag contracts, and so I took it upon myself to show how I have leveraged on storytelling and indirect sales content in near three years of doing business without having to say “come and buy” or “come and sign up.”

Challenges of her work
One of the challenges I face as a content marketing strategist is availability; having to soothe everyone who wants to be taught. And so I have gone ahead to package my courses into digital products in such a way that I do not get to be in class all the time.

Advice to those who want to pitch their tent in the content media strategy field
I would encourage anyone delving into my field to be original and consistent as you definitely need some time to test your strategies and validate them.

Processes for crafting an effective content strategy for a new client
Every brand or business is peculiar. When I have a client who needs to get his content marketing right, I begin with page-auditing for him/her to ascertain the system of brand messaging and content feedback from the client’s audiences. This helps me buffer solutions professionally. In some cases, a tailor-made content calendar comes to the rescue, so I go ahead and design one for the client.

Three women who inspire her and why
My mum inspires me a lot. As a young girl, fresh out of secondary school, I had ambitions to be a lot of things. It was my mum’s guidance that helped me choose a career path. This has helped me fulfill my purpose in many regards. My big sister, Lilian Gbarade, inspires me so much. I love the many ways she balances different aspects of her life and makes them rank top on her list of importance. I am learning to strike a balance on a daily basis. And this reflects on how I manage to juggle work, family and still excel at everything I lay my hand(s) on.

Oluchi Madu inspires me, really. I love the way she shows up for her brand. I love how she’s solving the many challenges of individuals and helping them get on their self-discovery journey. It takes one who has gained clarity on her own journey to engineer what she does. Helping people realise their talents and guide them to monetise it is a big deal. I admire her resilience in this course.

What she wishes to change in the creative writing sector
If I could change a thing in the creative writing sector, I would push that every creative writer narrows down to a niche and builds expertise around the same. Be known for a thing. Master an aspect pretty well.

Advice for young women trying to find their voice in the industry
I would encourage every young woman who is trying to find her voice in the industry to subject herself to learning. Do not be in such a hurry to be seen that you neglect doing your homework well. Sit under someone who inspires you in the same field and love yourself and vision enough to pay for knowledge, as no one owes you anything.

Other projects and activities
I double as a Presenter and Co-producer of the Creative Solutions segment of Breakfast Delight, a breakfast TV Show on Advocate Broadcast Network TV. Other than inspiring your day and keeping you abreast of news and happenings around us, we have dedicated this segment to showcasing the creative genius of individuals and companies who are making contributions to the economic growth and development of Nigeria in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises sector.  On this Show, we give you an opportunity to tell your brand story, showcase your product/service and have you gain quality visibility for your brand. This is an express induction into our Creative Solution Hall of Fame that qualifies you to vie for awards in our proposed yearly media award.

Being a woman of rubies
Knowing my worth and purpose, I would say.  Being able to soak in some good measure of self-love and being in that place where I give back without judgment and bias.
