Cultivating the fruit called character – Part 3

[FILES] John Okene. Photo: YOUTUBE

Character is self-discipline for the sake of moral conviction. A man of good character does not need anyone to monitor him because he is always conscious of his actions. Such persons police themselves, and put their body under subjection. The case of Joseph in Gen 39:8-9 is a typical example. He locked himself in the prison of personal conviction and threw away the keys. That is why he said he could not do such great wickedness to God and to his master when Potiphar’s wife tried to lure him to bed. Apparently, Potiphar’s wife placed a price tag on Joseph, but he declared that he was not for sale. As you are reading this article right now, the question I ask you is; “Are you for sale?” If offered an enticing price tag, will you change your character?

The word ‘statues” or ‘image” refers to character and just like the alphabet “A” and figures ‘1’ or ‘2,’ they never change. They remain the same no matter what part of the word you are. In the same vain, your character should be constant, irrespective of your location or environment. Gen 1:26-27 says we are created in God’s image and image is like statues, it doesn’t change. Before God gave man dominion over the earth, He first gave him His character. Dominion without character will destroy you and every fruit you bear without character will be corrupted. Power does not actually corrupt a man, it only reveals the corrupt nature within him. Character is more important than power, character sustains your dominion. It is your gifting that gives you dominion. When you are faced with certain difficult situations in life, it could be a test of your true character.

There are facts we need to know about character. For example, you cannot go far in the kingdom if you lack character. You will be limited in life. Samson was destined great, but his private life destroyed his public vision. As a married person, understand that the things you do in private are not completely hidden from your children and so what example are you setting for them? As a corrupt public officer in your community or nation how do you explain your actions to your children and what moral right do you have to tell them to be of good conduct?

Trust is the currency for leadership. The reason people follow you and listen to what you say is because they trust you. Your character is the foundation for trust. Your gifts and abilities can open doors for you, but you need character to keep the doors continually opened. • Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State Prayer line: +2348135952623

Your future depends on your character and not your charisma. Your gifts or charisma will take you to the top, but it is your character that will sustain you at the top. Character is like a smoke, no matter how you try to pretend or hid it; it will eventually expose you. It is your character that protects you from destruction. It protects your gifts, your words and your future. Samson lost his gifts and future because he lacked character.
• Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State Prayer line: +2348135952623



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