Dealing with foundational problems – Part 2


Text: Jer. 16:1-11
Foundational problems are deep-rooted problems that can be traced to ones’ parents or ancestors. In our text, we see that the people never knew the cause of their problems until they make enquires and are told that their fathers had forsaken the Living God, going after other gods.

There are numerous examples of foundational problems recorded in the scriptures. One of them is the case of Jericho, as we see in 2Kings 2:19.

The people cried to Elisha that the town is seemingly good and well located, yet unproductive and the water is bad. This describes the situation of many people today; they appear to be doing well, but in actual fact are barren all round. Understand that your life is likened to a farmland (Matt. 13:25) where God has planted a lot of resources (wheat), but the activities of the evil ones (planting tares) will not let you manifest your true worth. Your life is full of great potentials, but sometimes, such potentials never come to reality. This is why many who have the potential to be multi-millionaires die as paupers. When potentials cannot manifest, such a person is declared as barren and such was the case of Jericho because there was a curse on the land earlier on in Joshua 6:26, 1Kings 16:34 and so, anything planted there dies.

For some persons, everything you invest in them dies because there is a hidden curse of “thou shall not excel” operating in their lives. May every hidden curse hindering your progress in life be broken today in Jesus’ name.

The water of the land was bitter and so undrinkable, this implies that you have everything that ought to bring you joy in life, yet you have no joy.

When they cried to Elisha, the curse was broken. You need a man of God who stands as priest to intercede in your life. The Bible says we are kings and priest (Rev. 1:6), yet in certain situations when you have struggled on your own without result, you need the help of an authority figure. Hosea 12:13 says, by a prophet God brought Israel out of Egypt and by a prophet He preserved them. You need a prophet for the sustenance of your breakthrough and this you do, not by mere connection to Him, but as you learn to follow His instructions faithfully with your heart, not your head. Many people are in the church today, yet withering away gradually because they follow the teachings of the word of God with their head, and not their hearts. They have become church professors. Your connectivity matters a lot.

Another example of foundational problems is seen in the case of Abiathar the priest in 1Kings 2:27. God made a pronouncement against the house of Eli for his failure to rebuke and correct his children over their nefarious and sinful activities in the temple (1Sam 3:14). About four generations after them, we see the consequences of such actions come to play in the life of Abiathar in spite of his faithfulness and diligent service with David.

The powers from your foundation can manipulate you to make a mistake that will cause you some lifetime regrets. A family had a pregnant maid who was subjected to hard labour without proper care. She gave birth to a male child, who died a few hours after birth and in that pain, cursed that there would be no cry of a male child in that family. It took a member of that family some time of intense prayers and great spiritual insight to break that curse years after. By reason of redemption and the new birth, we can be disconnected from every family curse and connected to the Abrahamic covenant.

• Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. Prayerline: +2348135952623


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