Dealing with satanic checkpoints


Text: Dan. 10:12-13, 20-21
Scripturally, there are three heavens that exist as we see in 2 Cor. 12:2. The first one is the “Atmosphere,” which is the layer we see above us. The second one is the layer we see above us. The second one is the “Resident Quarters of the Forces of Darkness and Spiritual Wickedness” as expressed in Eph. 6:12. The third heaven, which is the Heaven of heavens, is the place where God resides. Now, in between the second and third heavens, there are satanic checkpoints mounted by powers. Eph. 6:12 tells us who these powers are. The first of them are rulers or principalities. They are authorities and spiritual wickedness in the high places. The NIV translation of the Bible refers to them as the powers that control the dark world or spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly. The second group is territorial powers. They are in charge of cities, communities, territories and nations. From our Bible text, we see that when Daniel prayed for 21 days an angel was dispatched to deliver his request but the angel was withheld by territorial powers. God had to reinforce by sending Angel Michael, the minister of defense to rescue the situation. This territorial power is called the Prince of Persia. Suffice to say that the devil dispatches certain spirits to take charge over every locality, cities or nations. In other words, we have the prince in charge of Warri, Lagos, Abuja and so on, just as we have the prince of Persia. For the nation of Israel, the prince in charge was Michael. For every ungodly community or nation there is an evil prince in charge. It is important, therefore, for you to understand the power ruling over your community and to prayerfully dislodge them and replace them with the angels of God.

The third power that mounts satanic checkpoints are the demonic gate keepers. They are in charge of who and what comes in and goes out of a place. They are in charge of embargoes. The fourth power, we see are located in the second heaven. They are celestial in nature but operate in the terrestrial. Thank God for His word, which says in (Eph. 1: 20-22) that God has raised Christ to be head over all things far above principalities and Eph. 2:6 says He has raised us up together in Christ Jesus. We have been raised to rule over the powers in charge of commerce in our environment. A lady cried to me that she was not making sales in her business by reason of the location of her shop. When I got to the plaza to pray for her I simply took charge of the demonic powers in charge of commerce there and invited the ark of God to be seated in her shop. From that day, the lady began to experience bountiful sales. People would leave every other shop to locate hers, which was hidden inside the plaza.

Again, these powers are called demonic immigration officers and custom men. Imagine a lady praying to God for a husband and God sends an angel to grant her request. This demonic immigration officers immediately consult with a spirit husband who lays claim of marriage over the lady and so the evil powers deny the angel access to the lady to get her husband. They declare that her passport is not correct so visa cannot be granted her for marriage. Again, they are called demonic custom men because they declare certain blessings as contraband in some homes. They mount checkpoints to see that dowries are not paid, no male child is born or no one ever prospers in some families. These powers could also be called Astoretes, the queen of heaven as we see in Jer. 44:17-24. There are various functions of these powers and first of them is to stop your angel of blessing from reaching you. “I pray that every satanic road block mounted against your angel of blessing will scatter in Jesus’ name.”

Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State
Prayerline: +2348135952623


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