Deliverance from bloodline captivity – Part 2

There are so many factors that can fuel this bloodline pattern in the life of a man. The first we shall consider is satanic altars. Generally, altars are very powerful. When established in a positive way, it is a system employed to connect humanity to the diverse blessings from divinity. On the other hand, when established negatively, satanic altars are capable of destroying the whole course of a man’s destiny even down to his entire bloodline. Deut. 5:8-9 says, we must not bow ourselves to any graven image or worship other gods except the only true and living God. There are many people today who are marine worshippers or idol worshippers and they have established shrines where they practice evil dedications, enchantments and divinations. A lot of believers are struggling in their Christian faith because they are from such family background and have not done anything to deal with their foundations. The altars their fathers served, which is still operational in their bloodline is bringing the same negative family pattern into their lives. May such evil flow into your life come to an end today in Jesus’ name.

In Judges 6:25-26, we see the case of Gideon who was limited in life, as a result of his idol worshipping background. When he had an encounter with God, he was instructed to pull down the altars of Baal, which his fathers worshipped for so many years, and build an altar for the Lord God. There, he offered burnt sacrifice to God and this marked the beginning of destiny fulfillment for Gideon.

Another factor that fuels the bloodline captivity is bloodline unbroken curses. In 1 Sam 2:28-34, we see the case of the children of Eli, the priest, who conducted themselves in an unruly manner in the temple and God was angry with the family and made a pronouncement against them. He said the priesthood will be removed from the lineage of Eli and that his two sons would die the same day. This truly came to pass (1 Sam 4:7-18).

Eli, the priest, also died when he heard of the death of his sons. About 360 years later, this curse caught up with Abiathar, the priest, who was from the lineage of Eli. He made a mistake at this time and so David who was then king, thrust him out of the priesthood to fulfill what was spoken of the lineage of Eli (1 King 2:26-27). There was a bloodline demon supervising the curse to ensure that members of that lineage fall into the operational system of that curse.

The third factor we shall consider is unbroken blood covenants. In Joshua 9:3-16, after the conquer of Jericho and Ai, the Gibeonites disguised as strangers from a distant land, requesting Israel to enter into a covenant of protection with them. Joshua and the elders of Israel did this without proper investigation and, so, lived with them as drawers of water and fetchers of wood. About 440 years later when Saul became king, he observed that these people were not originally Israelites and so he killed some of them. At the reign of David, there was an unusual prolonged period of famine and upon investigation David discovered that Saul’s killing of the Gibeonites was the cause. It was a breach of covenant and, so, seven sons of Saul had to be killed to put an end to the famine. There are families today, where blood covenant made by their fathers many years back is negatively affecting them. May God arise for you and change such negative protocol in your favour in Jesus’ name.

Covenant names can also fuel bloodline captivity. Names are very powerful, and we must be mindful of the names we bear or give to our children. Check the meaning of your name because it plays a major role in the fulfillment of your destiny.

Lastly, parental or personal mistakes can fuel bloodline captivity. The mistake of David in sleeping with Bethsheba cost him generational family battles. What men call personal or private matters eventually become a public or societal problem.

Prayer Points
• Every satanic gene flowing in my bloodline meant to disgrace me, in the name of Jesus, break.
• Every bloodline demon in my foundation supervising evil pattern in my life, receive fire in Jesus’ name.
• O God, every bloodline curse in my life or generation, cancel it by the blood of Jesus.
• My Father, every mistake I have made in the past that is keeping me in captivity, cancel it by your mercy, in Jesus’ name.
• Every name bringing problem to my life or family, may the power behind such name expire by fire.
• Reverend Dr. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State., Prayerline: +2348135952623



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