Do the will of God and prosper

Pastor Lazarus Muoka
Pastor Lazarus Muoka

Many believers have devoted their time to study the Bible, known so many Bible passages and could preach very well, but they are not doing what they preach or live according to the will of God.

It takes more time to apply or live according to the word of God that we have heard, even when these words are to positively impact on our lives. Remember, it is only when we do God’s will, not hear His words only, that He can bless us through Jesus Christ.

Jesus said: “I came into this world to do the will of God not His (Jesus) will,” (Jn 6:38). It is very clear that our Master Jesus Christ laid a solid foundation for us to follow, while carrying out God’s will. He went everywhere doing the will of the Father and also left a legacy, we should emulate. As we act like Him, we shall be blessed in Jesus’ name.

Many believers are suffering and even afflicted or under serious torment by the devil because they are not doing the will of God. The most painful thing is that such believers will not make heaven, which the ultimate goal of any Christian. It is also important to note that such believers do live in sin and do not prosper because they hear the word, preach the word, but do not do what the word says. But if they could repent and do God’s will, definitely they will prosper, because the eyes of the Almighty God are on the righteous and His ears are open to hear their prayers. In fact, their desires shall be promptly granted.

Do you still remember the first crusade of this ministry titled: “Do The Will Of God And Prosper,” held 21 years ago? Since then, we have been labouring to do God’s will and God in His infinite mercy has been taking us around the world and performing great miracles among us. As we clock 21 this year, it is important to note that the foundation of this ministry is laid on doing the will of God. Let us not faint in doing God’s will, so that, we can prosper.

You cannot disobey God and expect prosperity. God is ever ready to bless and prosper His children, but He would not do this if we do not do His will. God does not wish any righteous person evil, rather He is always looking for channels to fight for the righteous, bless him, answer his prayers and to use him to bring sinners to repentance.

For the fact that you can quote different Bible passages and preach good messages, do not mean that God will answer your prayers or bless you if you do not do His will. God will only honour and bless those who do His will, but if you can change today, and begin to do His will, you will see God standing by your side. If you do the will of God, I am assuring you, you will do exploits. God is not interested in those who can preach or go to church, but do not do His will.

Going to the cross was not easy for Christ, but because He was out to do the will of God, He had to endure the pains and shame to go the way of the cross. l want you to understand that doing God’s will is not always palatable, but if you can endure and obey, the Almighty God will prosper you.

And you reading this message; if you do God’s will, I assure you of His blessing. Go and practice what you have read. Remember! Not the hearers or readers of the word of God are justified before Him, but the doers of His will. Heb.10 v7 says: “Then said l lo, l come in the volume of the book, it is written of me, to do thy will o Lord.”

God’s will is all that matters in the life of any child of God. You cannot claim to be a true child of God, when you are walking outside His will. You are desirious of God prospering you, but your expectations have not come to pass because you are operating outside His will. Josh 1v 8 says: “This Book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then, you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success,” (NKJV).

What is the book of law? It is the Bible and Bible is the word of God and the word of God is God, Himself (Jn1v1). If you must be prosperous, you must walk and abide by the word of God. When you walk and abide by God’s word, you are then walking in God’s will. I decided to bring back this message because it is vital to our service with God. As I said above, this is the message I preached in our maiden crusade in 2004 at Nnewi, Anambra State. It is titled: “Do The Will Of God And Prosper.”

Those of you that keyed into this message, when it was first preached have been reaping the fruit. For those who were not there as at the time the message was preached, you now have the opportunity to read it. Anyone that wants to enjoy prosperity, have good success, enjoy abundant blessing and have dominion, among other things, must not joke with doing the will of God in its totality.

John 6: 38 says: “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.” Our Master Jesus, left his throne in heaven, came to the earth, just to do the will of God and not his own will.

Today, so many are in the church to do their own will. Our Master Jesus did the will of God, so, as a child of God you are to do the will of God. Do not wait to be compelled to do it. The first step to doing the will of God is to run away from sin and sinful activities and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, if you have not done so already. Remember, Jn 3v3 says: “Verily, verily, l say unto you, unless a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.” So salvation is the first key to doing the will of God.

Matt.6 v33 says: “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” Whosoever you are, seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, whatever you are looking for, that is in turn with God’s will, shall be granted to you.


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