Firm adopts mechanism to promote gender development

With COVID-19 imposing new challenges on women and exacerbating the numerous other difficulties they already face in their daily lives, an  international trade and investment promotion firm, Compass Global Business Services is collaborating with strategic partners to provide solutions that will enhance gender development and achieve a safe and sustainable future for women.

The Chief Executive Officer,  Mrs Tokunbo Chiedu, made the disclosure in Lagos yesterday. Chiedu said that the organisation was poised to providing solutions that focus on global concerns on women, while promoting empowerment, driving inspiration, and encouraging learning and transformation. 

She said the firm will hold a virtual edition of the global Female Leaders, and Entrepreneurs Conference (FLEC) from March 23 to 25. 

“FLEC is designed to be a convergence to initiate powerful conversations with female leaders, around gender development and the pivotal role gender balance.         

“And diversity has to play in navigating the new normal, and particularly toward achieving a safe, and sustainable world for all.     “The overarching theme of the conference focusses broadly on gender development and innovation with emphasis on toolkits to innovate, survive and sustain in the post – pandemic recovery phase,” she said.       

According to her, the three days programme would explore the impact of women on the global scene by drawing on case studies of sustainable solutions, and best practices led, developed or owned by women.

She said this would include compelling success stories from around the globe, with regards to progress being made by women across the spheres of government and policy, business, technology and within corporate organisations.

“A key driver of the FLEC platform is the need to foster new business opportunities, and to engage and strengthen networks in the process for the mutual benefits of the African continent, and the rest of the world,” she said. 

Chiedu said that the event would have 30 female leaders, across multiple sectors representing six countries, and four continents to brainstorm and chart a positive course for the audience. 

However, she advised the public to register free of charge for the life transforming programme through the company’s website.         
“Presentations and keynote speeches will be delivered by identified leading women, and notable female achievers such as Ngone Diop – Sub Regional Director & Chief Gender Development Expert at the UN Economic Commission for Africa, Aissatou Diallo -Senior Coordinator, African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and LDCs Focal Point International Trade Centre (ITC). 

“Other  confirmed speakers are Toki Mabogunje- President, Lagos Chamber of Commerce & Industry, and  Juliet Ehimuan – Country Head, Google Nigeria, among others,” she said
