Flaked Salmon Salad

Eating healthily has always been advised by health practitioners. Eating healthy helps maintain balance in our bodies, live longer and helps you get rid of unwanted wastes.
1 avocado (diced)
Salmon fillets
Coriander (Chopped)
140g Sugar snap pea
½ tbsp Honey
2 tbsp Vinegar
1 tbsp Soy sauce
1 tbsp boiling water
1 tbsp Sherry wine
Pour honey and hot water into a jar and shake vigorously. Add vinegar, soy sauce and sherry wine and mix thoroughly.
Put the salad leaves, avocado and sugar peas in a large bowl and mix. Pour the salmon and scatter together with the coriander. Stir thoroughly.
Pour the honey dressing into the mix and combine.
Serve alone or with rice and a glass of wine.


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