Gifts Of The Holy Spirit (6)


Memory Verse: 1 Peter 5:2-3 Feed the flock of God, which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being examples to the flock.

Scripture: John 10:1-8.

WE have already studied three of the ministry gifts. Now let’s us look at pastors. This famous title is one of the ministry gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is often overlooked and sometimes abused. It’s much more than a mere prefix. It is the fourth ministry gift of the spirit. To some, it’s just a rank in the hierarchy. Of course, Jesus is our ultimate example. Hebrews 13: 20; 1Pt.2: 25; Jn.10: 14. A pastor is a shepherd.
The Portrait

Pastors are chosen by God to care for the church. The long-term care and spiritual diet of the church is the primary responsibility of the pastor. Our Lord Jesus is the good Shepherd and the ultimate model. A pastor should be:

• Called by God Himself, 1 Cor.12: 28; Eph. 4:11; Rom.11: 29.
• Compassionate, Mk.6: 34, 9:36; Jn.16: 12
• Have a deep understanding of the ways and thoughts of God and a good intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, Jer.2: 8, 10: 21; 3:15. And work in the spirit.
• Have a strong love for the sheep, Jn.10: 3, 5.
• Place the highest priority on the eternal destiny of every soul, Jn.10: 9-13.
• Visit, feed and protect the sheep, Jer. 23:2; Lk.15: 4-5; Ezek.34: 12-16; Ps.23: 2; 1 Sam.17: 34-36; Amos 3:12.
• Lead by example, Jn.10: 4; 2 Cor.4: 9-13; Ps.78: 52.


Pastors will have to account for every sheep under their watch on Judgment Day. Shepherds should, therefore, intercede constantly. The flock must be fed with green fresh pastures. A spiritually malnourished pastor cannot produce a spiritually healthy congregation, Jer.23: 1-2; Jn.10: 21; Acts 20:28, 1 Jn 3:16…. because Jesus laid down His life for us …we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. He will give us the Grace in Jesus name.

