Going back to Bethel – Part 9

Ejikeme Ejim
Key Verse: Genesis 35:9, “Then God
appeared to Jacob again, when he came from Padan Aram, and blessed him.” (NKJV)

There is a place where God wants His people to be, but many of us are not there. God asking His people to return to Bethel is not a mere call, but a clarion call occasioned by something. Today, some of the churches have become commercial vendors. Things have gone wrong and we better go back and set them right. The horrible things happening within and outside the Church call for a return to God. This was the state of affairs in the land of Judah, where the people revolted against God; committed all manner of abominations against God; abandoned the Lord; despised the Holy One of Israel and turned away from God, yet they were stretching forth their hands to pray in iniquity. God called unto the people of Judah to repent and promised they would eat the good of the land when they return to Him (Isaiah 1:1-20).

Anytime an individual decides to go back to an awesome experience he or she used to have with God, many great things will begin to happen. There are many benefits of returning to Bethel. God blessed Jacob after he returned to Bethel. If you want blessings from God, you should return to Him. One of the key verses in the Scripture is Mathew 6:33, where it says seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you. Make God-King over your life; submit your life to God and let Him be King; allow Him to have the authority of Kingship; allow Him to have the control of kingship; don’t rebel against God; don’t be stubborn to God; don’t disobey God; don’t come in pride and arrogance before God; humble yourself before God; let Him be in charge; seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all the righteousness that goes along with it and then He will bless you. Nobody will stop the blessings. Nobody can stop the blessings of a man that has submitted himself completely to God.

We will enjoy purity as we decide to go back to Bethel (Genesis 35:2). Have you sold away your chastity as a believer? You will regain purity as you return to God. We will enjoy rebranding, as we make our way back to Bethel. Some believers’ image has been battered and soiled, but as we go back to Bethel, our image will be rebranded (Genesis 35:4). We should bury the strange things and never walk around them, lest we be tempted to go back to them. We will enjoy divine terrorism as we return to Bethel. God will terrorise those things that terrorise you, as you return wholeheartedly to Him. When the household of Jacob returned to Bethel, God put a terror on their enemies (Genesis 35:5). There will be a mass conversion of souls, as believers in Christ return to Bethel. Jacob returned to Bethel with all the people that were with him (Genesis 35:6).

The results of going back to Bethel include: increased blessings; multiplied blessings; new name Israel; God proved that He was with Jacob and the glory of God rested upon Jacob.

These are my desires for the churches, families and individuals across the nation. That as a father and mother, lead your children to return to Bethel in your family. And you children, honour thy parents by agreeing with them to return to Bethel and the glory of God will come down upon your family.

Today’s Nugget: At Bethel, our image will be rebranded.
Prayer: Lord, I return to Bethel with my family.
Prayer lines: 08054477940.
Email: servantofgod111@yahoo.com
Rev. Pastor Ejikeme Ejim, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria.


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